ICAR Homepage > Recording and Sampling Devices Sub-Committee 


Recording and Sampling Devices Sub-Committee meeting
scheduled on Wed. 13 December
2017 by Zoom platform (h. 15.30 Rome time)


Wed., 13th May


1. Welcome, Agenda and Introductions

2. Review & approval of minutes from 8-9 November 2017 Meeting

3. Subcommittee members
a. Welcome to Jonas Persson, Denmark
b. Open Position – Alpine Region

4. Website Update of Approved Devices
a. Certified meters page
b. Certified AMS page
c. Certified jars page
d. Target Live Date for Meters Page – 15 December 2017

5. Guidelines revisions – Steven & Andie
a. Updated process flow chart
b. List of procedures for new guidelines
c. Bitrix platform comments due before Christmas holiday break
d. Timeline for completion

6. Test Centre Updates
a. Dutch Test Centre – Peter & Kees
b. French Test Centre – Clement
c. German Test Centre – Sandra & Christian
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7. New Test Applications
a. Lely – EMMA
b. Hokofarm/Ori-Collector – Astrea 2020 Premium/SAC Futureline Elite/Happel TIM
c. SAC – IDC3b
d. GEA Monobox – anticipated
e. GEA Twist & Turn – anticipated
f. Ori-Collector – desk review of additional models

8. ICAR 2018 Session on Recording Devices
a. Saturday, February 10, 2018 – Recording Device Testing (4:00-5:30 p.m.)
b. Sunday, February 11, 2018 – Sensor Devices (9:00-10:30 a.m.)
c. Sunday, February 11, 2018 – Carryover (11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)

9. Member and Manufacturer report letters/timeline – Steven

10. Any other business for the good of the cause

11. Next Conference Call(s) and Face-to-Face Meeting(s)
a. Conference Call - January, 2018 ?
b. ICAR 2018, Auckland – February 8, 2018 (9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
c. Berlin/Potsdam – Autumn, 2018

12. Adjournment and Thank You



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