Webinar: New ICAR/IDF project on the use of infrared data – ExtraMIR

Aim of the webinar

This webinar aims to introduce the ExtraMIR project and its organizational aspects.

What is ExtraMIR?

A joint ICAR/IDF project targeted to foster work in relation to Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) technologies. It offers a platform for all experts to exchange and cooperate, and harmonize and standardize definitions, methods, and procedures for the use of FTIR spectra in the dairy sector globally.


Webinar programme:

Welcome and moderation
Rob Crawford,
Chair of IDF Standing Committee on Statistics and Automation.

Setting the scene for the joint ICAR/IDF project – ExtraMIR
Christian Baumgartner,
Chair of ICAR Milk Analyses Sub-Committee.

Current applications and challenges along the dairy food chain
Steve Holroyd, 
Principal Research Scientist at Fonterra, New Zealand. PowerPoint presentation

Fatty acid composition as first example for ExtraMIR project
Hélène Soyeurt,
Professor at University of Liège and Action Team Leader ICAR/IDF ExtraMIR. PowerPoint presentation

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