The page shows introductory information about the Artificial Insemination & RT Working Group
- Marleen Broekhuijse, CRV, (The Netherlands)
- Jens Baltissen Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V. (Germany)
- Melton DeJarnette NAAB (Select Sires) (USA)
- Sandrine De Chany, Eliance (France)
- Knut Dragset Geno SA (Norway)
- Marja Eskelinen FABA (Finland)
- Olivier Gérard Allice (France)
- Liga Kubulina Sigmas (Latvia)
- Lamberto Morelli INSEME spa (Italy)
- Eliza Roberts CSS (subsidiary of NAAB, National Association of Animal Breeders) (USA)
- Richard Spelman LIC (New Zealand)
- A.K. Thiruvenkadan (India)
Associate Members
- Christian Simmet, MiniTub, Germany
- Angela De Mirjyn, IMV, France
- Edvardas Gedgaudas, Lithuania
- Jen-Wen Schiau, Taiwan
- Evija Skujiņa, Latvia
- Inguna Slice, Latvia
- Mingche Wu, Taiwan
Useful links
The link to the NAAB stud codes is:
Available documents of the Working Group
Description of straw markings
Description of straw markings in selected countries are now available for:
- LIC (New Zealand)
- CRV (The Netherlands)
- SwissGenetics (Switzerland)
- InSeme (Italy)
- ADR (Germany)
- France
B. Details on a proposed database in France are available here