Development of Successful Animal Recording Systems for Transition and Developing Countries. Proceedings of an FAO/ICAR Seminar
Interlaken, Switzerland, 27 May 2002
Editors: J. Mäki-Hokkonen, J. Boyazoglu, T. Vares and M. Zjalic
July 2002
ISSN: 1563-2504; ISBN: 92-95014-04-9
The whole issue containing the Proceedings is available here, while the single manuscripts that compose the Proceedings are listed hereby
- Welcome address to the FAO/ICAR-Seminar
J. Crettenand - Preface
J. Mäki-Hokkonen - Trends in animal agriculture in developing countries and implications on animal recording
J. Mäki-Hokkonen and S. Jutzi - Implications of livestock development trends on recording systems and use of animal genetic resources in Eastern European countries (CEEC) and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
T. Vares, M. Kovac, M. Klopcic, A. Pentjärv, K. Pedastsaar, M. Posavi, G. Meszaros and S. Sebestyén - International livestock development and animal recording systems. Some experiences from the World Bank
T. W. Schillhorn van Veen - Animal performance recording in Kyrgyzstan: an essential tool for cattle improvement efforts
A. Kretov, A. Jumaliev and M. Arbenz - Successful establishment of small ruminant recording systems in the Mediterranean countries
B. Moioli, J.-M. Astruc and S. Sanna - Recording systems for breed improvement and production management in transition and developing countries. A dairy industry perspective
J. Phelan - FPR potential and weakness in management and breeding programme in transition and developing countries. The Indian experience
C.T. Chacko - Economic and financing aspects of introducing and maintaining animal recording systems in smallholder farming in Slovenia
M. Klopcic, V. Krek and J. Osterc - Animal health links to recording systems. Resistance to internal parasites in sheep
R. A. Cardellino, A. Nari and D. Castells - Milk recording under different production systems in Egypt
R.R. Sadek - Needs for research and development in Livestock Recording Systems (LRS) in transition and developing countries
K.J. Peters and B. Zumbach - Dairy cattle recording in large-scale and smallholder commercial herds in Zimbabwe
N. Mpofu - Summary and conclusions
F. Schneider