Cattle Identification and Milk Recording in Central and European Countries. Proceedings of the International Workshop
Warsaw (Poland), 23 August 1998, jointly organised with FAO (SEUR), EAAP (CEEC Contact Group) and the Polish Animal Breeding Service
Editors: T. Vares, M. Zjalic and C. Mosconi
May 1999
ISSN: 1563-2504
The whole issue containing the Proceedings is available here, while the single manuscripts that compose the Proceedings are listed hereby
- Preface
- Introduction
- ICAR: A worldwide organisation for standardisation of animal recording and evaluation
J. Crettenand - Cattle identification and registration
J. Hodges - General trends of data processing in CEE countries
J. Claus - Cattle identification and milk recording in Albania
D. Mati, N. Tahiri, F. G. Santini, A. Kipi - A system of quality control of milk in the Brest Region of the Republic of Belarus
I. Kyssa - Identification and milk recording of cattle breeding in the Republic of Bulgaria
V. Vafilev - Performance review of cattle breeding and selection work in Croatia (cattle identification and milk recording)
M. Ernoic, & A. Kljujev - Cattle identification and milk recording in the Czech Republic
F. Urban - Development of milk recording services in Estonia
T. Murulo - Data processing and computer developments of milk recording in Estonia
K. Pedastsaar & T. Murulo - Milk recording in the service of herd improvement, quality milk production and herd management in Hungary
G. Lejtényi & G. Mészáros - Development of identification and registration in Hungary
L. Zsilinszky & S. Sebestyén - Brief review of animal recording in Latvia
A.Stasans - Activities and management of milk recording and identification in Lithuania
A. Svitojus & P. Doubravsky - Milk testing system organisation in Lithuania
R. Petruskevicius & A. Svitojus - Situation of milk recording in Poland
D. Krencik - Milk recording and cattle identification in the Slovak Republic
S. Ryba - Cattle identification and milk recording in Slovenia
J. Pogacar, M. Klopcic, F. Habe - Concluding remarks
M. Zjalic