Cattle Identification and Milk Recording in Central and European Countries
. Proceedings of the International Workshop
Warsaw (Poland), 23 August 1998, jointly organised with FAO (SEUR), EAAP (CEEC Contact Group) and the Polish Animal Breeding Service
Editors: T. Vares, M. Zjalic and C. Mosconi
May 1999
ISSN: 1563-2504
The whole issue containing the Proceedings is available here, while the single manuscripts that compose the Proceedings are listed hereby
- Preface
- Introduction
- ICAR: A worldwide organisation for standardisation of animal recording and evaluation
J. Crettenand - Cattle identification and registration
J. Hodges - General trends of data processing in CEE countries
J. Claus - Cattle identification and milk recording in Albania
D. Mati, N. Tahiri, F. G. Santini, A. Kipi - A system of quality control of milk in the Brest Region of the Republic of Belarus
I. Kyssa - Identification and milk recording of cattle breeding in the Republic of Bulgaria
V. Vafilev - Performance review of cattle breeding and selection work in Croatia (cattle identification and milk recording)
M. Ernoic, & A. Kljujev - Cattle identification and milk recording in the Czech Republic
F. Urban - Development of milk recording services in Estonia
T. Murulo - Data processing and computer developments of milk recording in Estonia
K. Pedastsaar & T. Murulo - Milk recording in the service of herd improvement, quality milk production and herd management in Hungary
G. Lejtényi & G. Mészáros - Development of identification and registration in Hungary
L. Zsilinszky & S. Sebestyén - Brief review of animal recording in Latvia
A.Stasans - Activities and management of milk recording and identification in Lithuania
A. Svitojus & P. Doubravsky - Milk testing system organisation in Lithuania
R. Petruskevicius & A. Svitojus - Situation of milk recording in Poland
D. Krencik - Milk recording and cattle identification in the Slovak Republic
S. Ryba - Cattle identification and milk recording in Slovenia
J. Pogacar, M. Klopcic, F. Habe - Concluding remarks
M. Zjalic