Development of animal identification and recording systems for veterinary surveillance and livestock development in countries of Eastern Europe. Proceedings of an ICAR/FAO Seminar 
Kuopio, Finland, 6 June 2006
Editors: R. Pauw, A. Speedy and J. Mäki-Hokkonen
March 2007
ISSN: 1563-2504; ISBN: 92-95014-08-1)
The whole issue containing the Proceedings is available here, while the single manuscripts that compose the Proceedings are listed hereby
- Foreword
- Role and work of the ICAR Sub-Committee on Animal Identification
R. Pauw - Strategic approach to the development of animal identification and movement control (Traceability) systems. The linkage to veterinary surveillance and other agriculture and livestock databases
(The file in Russian is available here)
R. Bambauer - Legislative requirements for the identification and registration of bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine animals within the European Union
(The file in Russian is available here)
K.-U. Sprenger - Animal Identification and Recording in Finland
(The file in Russian is available here)
R. Maijala, U. Joutsenlahti and M. Haapa - Planning experience of Animal I&R and livestock development projects in Central and Eastern European Countries
(The file in Russian is available here)
F. Schmitt - Country paper: Animal identification and registration in Macedonia
V. Kondratenko - State of art and trends in development of the identification of animals and recording system for the veterinary surveillance in Belarus
O. Hvostova, A. Rusinovich and D. Mostovoy - Development of the animal identification and registration systems for the veterinary control
R. Ciobanu - State of art in and prospects for development of animal identification and recording systems for veterinary surveillance and livestock development in Ukraine
O. Omelchuk - Recommendations and conclusions
A. Speedy