International Beef Performance Recording Survey Results in 2000
September 2002 Compte-rendu Institut de l’Elevage n° 3174
In 1994 the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) adopted recommendations for beef performance recording. A specialist Beef Performance Working Group was asked to carry out surveys periodically to give an idea of the level of activity and the systems of beef performance recording among the member organisations, and of the degree of acceptance of its recommendations.
The previous surveys was published in 1997 and 2000 and gave an overview of world-wide beef recording activities. The present survey was designed in 2000 and included an updated questionnaire combining 4 levels of possible answers : the first to specify if beef performance recording existing in a country and to list the types (on farm, performance test…) ; the second to give general figures for each type of control ; the third to give the figure per trait ; and the last to give details per breed.
The questionnaire was an Excel® file send by mail to the national organization or breed societies. One problem was that some of ICAR members which are dairy organizations didn’t forwarded the questionnaire to the national beef organisations. So in several case we choose to send questionnaires directly to the beef breed societies.
Overall, at present, it is clear that the responses to this new questionnaire were rich and the number of answers has increased a lot ! But some part of the world are already “white area” for our knowledge of beef performance recording.
This report is subdivided in two parts:
- The first part gives the list of countries and breed societies contacted to complete the questionnaire. A list of country or areas with beef performance recording but with no answer to the questionnaire is therefore made.
- The second part give the results of the survey itself. It is divided into six main parts, each one dealing with one of the six different types of beef performance recording schemes approved by ICAR (the appropriate ICAR recommendation is shown in the annex):
- On farm from birth to weaning
- On farm or feed lot from weaning to slaughter
- Performance test station
- Progeny test station
- Abattoir data (Organized progeny test, Commercial data)
An annex gives an example of the questionnaire.
The present report has been a joint service of the ICAR Beef Performance Working Group. I take the opportunity and thank all of my colleagues for their valuable help and support. The data collection and evaluation was executed by Laurent Journaux and Jean Caillette, Institut de l’Élévage, France. For taking over this work I would like to thank Mr. Journaux in particular.
May 2002
Hans J. Schild
Chairman of the ICAR Beef Performance Working Group
Country who received the questionnaire
Austria Finland Portugal
Argentina France Reunion Island
Australia Germany Slovak Republic
Austria Greece Slovenia
Belgium Hungary South Africa
Brazil India Spain
Bulgaria Italy Switzerland
Canada Israel Sweden
Chile Ireland The Netherlands
Angus breed society Japan Tunisia
China Korea Turkey
Limousine breed society Latvia UK
Croatia Lebanon Uruguay
Cuba Lithuania USA
Cyprus Luxembourg Venezula
Czech Republic Mexico Zimbabwe
Denmark New Caledonia
Dominican Republic New Zealand
Egypt Norway
Estonia Poland
Plus 33 breed societies (list given by Darr Bullock member of ICAR beef group)
Number of answer and geographic distribution
We received 39 answers. This answers are detailed in the next part. But we also know that some countries do record beef performances but we don’t have any figures.
The list of countries (or breed societies) who have beef performance recording but didn’t send us back a completed survey is below:
Argentina Brazil Canada Chile Hungary Mexico Portugal (at least in Limousine and Charolais) The Netherlands Uruguay US major breed Societies like Limousine, Charolais, Hereford Zimbabwe.
The lists of countries who received the questionnaire, sent-back an answer (Part A of the Survey) and of countries where we know that beef performance recording exist but didn’t answers the survey shows us that we have a good knowledge of beef performance recording in Western and Central Europe and Oceania, only a partial view of Southern Europe, Northern America and Africa activity and no information from East Europe, Central and South America and Asia.
General description of the figures
The most important form of beef performance recording is on farm performance recording from birth to weaning (27 countries or associations). 22 countries or associations continue performance recording after weaning and specially on beef animals from 1 years old onward American breed societies Autralia and New Zealand associate to the weight some ultrasonic measurements.
The performance test station are only used in west and central Europe (12 countries) and in South Africa and New Caledonia. It’s use not only for beef breeds but also for dual purpose breeds.
Only 4 countries (Ireland, France, Germany and Tcheck Republic) have an organize beef progeny testing for beef qualities on live and in abattoir. American Simmental society and Slovenia have a progeny test with abattoir control only.
Records in sale are specific to Germany and Austria.
Finally some countries have a large development of record of commercial data in abattoir : Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland.
Table of contents
- Part A : Address of persons who completed the questionnaire and general information
- Part B : General description of beef performance recording in the different countries
- Part C : On live, from birth to weaning, on farm
- C1 : general description of performance recording
- C2 : figures per trait
- C3 : other traits recorded
- C4 : details per breed
- Part D : On live, from birth to weaning, on farm, other type of records systems
- Part E : On live, after weaning on farm or feedlot
- E1 : general description of performance recording
- E2 : figures per trait
- E3 : other traits recorded
- E4 : details per breed
- Part F : On live, after weaning on performance test station
- F1 : general description of performance recording
- F2 : figures per trait
- F3 : other traits recorded
- F4 : details per breed
- Part G : On live, after weaning on progeny test
- G1 : general description of performance recording
- G2 : figures per trait
- G3 : other traits recorded
- G4 : details per breed
- Part H : On live, after weaning at sale
- H1 : general description of performance recording
- H2 : figures per trait
- H3 : other traits recorded
- H4 : details per breed
- Part I : At abattoir organized progeny test
- I1 : general description of performance recording
- I2 : figures per trait
- I3 : other traits recorded
- I4 : details per breed
- Part J : At abattoir organized commercial data
- J1 : general description of performance recording
- J2 : figures per trait
- J3 : other traits recorded
- J4 : details per breed
- Example of the Questionnaire