The page shows the files (PPT) presented at the 35th ICAR Biennial Session (Kuopio Finland 2006) while:
7 June
- Innovative uses of milk in human nutrition and health (P. Jelen)
- Milk production, animal recording, dairy advisory services and cattle breeding in Finland (K. Lampinen)
Workshop 1: Improving the health traits by recording and evaluation (Chairman: E. Strandberg)
- Health recording, past and the future (V. Rainio)
- Use of health data in genetic evaluation and breeding (G. Pedersen Aamand)
- Establishing a health monitoring system for cattle in Austria (C. Egger-Danne)
- Use of the transition cow index as a monitor of herd health (P. Giacomini)
Workshop 2: Manufacturers Showcase (Chairman: F. Armitage)
- Bentley Instruments (P. Broutin)
- DeLaval (O. Lind)
- NRS (P. Galesloot)
- Fullwood (J. Baines)
- Foss Analytical (S. Kold-Christensen)
8 June
Session 2.1: New strategies for milk recording and testing (Chairman: U. Lauritsen)
- New strategies for milk recording and testing. ”Challenges in Milk Recording 2006” (Niels Henning Nielsen)
- Milk recording as a decision support system for the commercial farmer – Ireland developments (M. Burke)
- The use of monthly herd-test-day solutions of test-day model in dairy herd management web-tool, “Maitoisa” (J. Nousiainen)
- Renewed estimation method for 24-hour fat percentage in AM/PM milk recording scheme (R.M.G. Roelofs)
- Use of daily milk weight to predict lactation and 24-hour yields (K.J. Hand)
- Screening for subclinical ketosis in dairy cattle by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (A.P.W. de Roos)
- Calculation of the lactation performance from daily milk recording data (N. Wirtz)
Session 2.2.1: Performance recording for small ruminants (Chairman: J.M. Astruc)
- Taking into account functional traits in dairy sheep breeding programs through the French example (F. Barillet)
- AMNOS-mobile: Exploiting handheld computers in efficient sheep recording (Z. Abas)
- Effect of diet supplemented omega-3 fatty acid on goat milk composition and somatic cell count (D. Kompan)
Session 2.2.2: Performance recording of buffaloes (Chairman: L. Journaux)
- Genetic gain of milk production in Egyptian buffalo as affected by population size, nucleus size and selection intensity in open nucleus breeding scheme (S.A Abdel-Salam)
Session 3.1: ID techniques (Chairman: R. Pauw)
- Rules and methodology used to certify cattle parentage in France (J. Guerrier)
- KvikKoen, mobile solution (J. Frandsen)
- Farmers can maintain their cattle identification register data using WebElmer (G. Karell)
- Ear tag retention in cattle (R. Palva)
- The use of electronic ear tags for sheep in France (L. Marguin)
Session 3.2: Management of recording and evaluation organisations (Chairman: D. Abernety)
- Report of the ICAR WG on Benchmarking (N. Petreny)
- Affordable way of calibrating milk-meters (M. Capasso)
- Milking machines control: the calibration of flowometer, pulsometer and vacuometer instruments with traceability of measurement (S. Orlandini)
- Composite traits and International genetic evaluation (F: Canavesi)
- Innovation in New Zealand herd improvement practices: how livestock improvement is responding to a changing world (S. Howse)
Session 3.3: Feeding strategies (Chairman: D. Abernety)
- NorForTM – the new Nordic feed evaluation system for cattle (J. Hanssen)
- Artturi® – a portal for farmers and experts to improve grass silage production and utilization (M. Rinne)
- The effect of different levels of concentrates in dairy cattle rations in different stages of lactation on milk yield and physiological state of animals (N.A. Solomakha)
9 June
Session 4: Presentations of SCs, WGs and TFs reports (N. Petreny)
- Report of the ICAR SC on animal identification (R. Pauw)
- Report of the ICAR SC Interbull (J.C. Mocquot)
- Report of the ICAR SC recording devices (U. Lauritsen)
- Report of the ICAR TF developing countries (M. Guellouz)
- Report of the ICAR TF on DNA (P. Ajmone)
- Report of the ICAR WG on animal recording data (F. Armitage)
- Report of the ICAR WG lactation calculation method (F. Miglior)
- Report of the ICAR WC on milk testing laboratories (O. Leray)
- Report of the ICAR WG on conformation recording (D. Hewitt)
- Report of the ICAR WG on functional traits (E. Strandberg)
- Report of the ICAR WG on beef performance recording (L. Journaux)
- Report of the ICAR WG on AI & other relevant technologies (A. Malafosse)
- Report of the ICAR WG on milk recording in sheep (J.M. Astruc)
- Report of the ICAR WG on milk recording in goats (D. Kompan)
Session 5: New technologies (F. Miglior)
- Perspectives for proactive dairy herd management based on on-farm milk analysis and potential implications for future milk recording (T. Asmussen)
- DHI Delivers Leading Edge Technology” (J.S. Clay)
- InCalf fertility focus report – a new herd management tool for farmers and their advisers (S. Little)
- Potential estimation of fatty acid content in cow milk by mid-infrared spectrometry (H. Soyeurt)
- Internet application “VeeManager”: Spider in the web of milkrecording and herd bookregistration (E.J. van `t Land)
- Next-day results in bovine mastitis diagnostics using DNA technology and electronic reporting (P. Bredbacka)
6 June
FAO – ICAR Seminar – Session 1 (Chairman: R. Pauw)
- Welcome address by ICAR and FAO (J. Juga & A. Speedy)
- Role and work of ICAR Sub-Committee – Animal Identification (R. Pauw)
- Veterinary surveillance and livestock development issues in Eastern Europe. (A. Speedy & J. Domenech, FAO)
(Translation into Russian) - Legislative Reguirements for identification and registration of bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine animals in European Union (K.U. Sprenger, EU)
(Translation into Russian) - OIE works on identification and traceability of live animals (D. Chaisemartin, OIE)
- Introduction of the Finnish system of veterinary surveillance and livestock development (R. Maijala)
(Translation into Russian) - Planning experiences of animal I&R and livestock development in Central and Eastern European countries (F. Schmitt)
(Translation into Russian) - Experiences from animal I&R project implementation in FYR Macedonia (V. Kondratenko & S. Kulisevski)
Session 2 (Chairman: A. Speedy)
- State of art reports from participating countries
- Belarus (O. Hvostova)
- Ucraina (D. Mykytyk)
- Moldova (R. Ciobanu)
- Armenia (H. Hakobyan)
- Azerbaijan (T. Atazade)
- Georgia (L. Ramishvili)
- Russian Federation
- Discussion on thematic conclusions & recommend (Chair A. Speedy, FAO)
- Closing of the seminar (FAO Rep. & R. Pauw)
Meeting of ICAR Reference Laboratory Network (Chairman: O. Leray)
- ICAR AQA strategy and prospective for the network; Olivier Leray (FR)
- Implementation of the ICAR AQA system Enhancement of the ICAR AQA system – Prospect Information on Quality assurance policy of ICAR and view on milk analysis aspects; ICAR Secretariat
- Reference system – Principle and practice; Christian Baumgartner (DE)
- Reference and calibration systems for routine milk testing – Advantages / disadvantages, choice criteria; Olivier Leray (FR)
- Example of national reference system and centralised calibration; Jere High (USA)
- What would be the required accuracy of a milk test and its components with view on genetic progress; Hans Wilmink (NL)