- The Importance of farm systems thinking in animal recording (Bruce Thorrold)
- Increasing diary farm profitability in a changing world of herd demographics ( Robert Fourdraine)
- International beef breeding: Challenges ans opportunities (Andrew Cromie)
- FGE QMS: A example of multi companies system, to serve a community of organizations,based on ISO 9001 standard (Laurent Journaux)
- ICAR and sensor devices (Steven Sievert)
- Interbull Business Meeting (Whole session, Various authors; Duration 01:42:58)
- Interbull Business Meeting 2 (Whole session, Various authors; Duration 01:01:55)
- Genomics in the U.S. Dairy Industry: current and future challenges (Ezequiel Nicolazzi)
- Developing metrics to rank individual herds according to data quality (Melissa Stephen)
- A New Data Paradigm: Improving the well-being, profitability, and sustainability of beef and dairy herds using an on-farm automated continuous novel phenotyping and informed genomics platform (Alison Sunstrum)
- Can genomics enable genetic evaluation with phenotypes recorded on small-holder farms? (Owen Powell)
- Use of the Daughter Fertility Australian Breeding Value to improve herd reproductive performance of dairy cows in Northern Victoria (Ee Cheng Ooi)
- Using genomics to improve dairy heifer selection decisions (Jennie Pryce)
- Implementation of genomic evaluation for digital dermatitis in Canada (Francesca Malchiodi)
- Genetic and genomic evaluation of claw health traits in Spanish dairy cattle (Noureddine Charfeddine)
- Estimation of the heritability of a newly developed ketosis risk indicator and the genetic correlations to other traits in three German cattle breeds (Henning Hamann)
- Genetic parameters of immune response estimated using genetically divergent lines of Holstein-Friesian dairy heifers (Matthew Price)
- Improved genetic evaluation of health traits using metabolic biomarkers in Nordic dairy cattle (Elisenda Rius)
- Genetic parameters for health traits using farmer recorded data in the Netherlands (Jorien Vosman)
- Alternative use of Somatic Cells Counts in genetic selection for mastitis resistance: a new breeding value for Italian Holstein breed (Raffaella Finocchiaro)
- Genetic relation between antibody response and faecal shedding of MAP in dairy cattle (Lydia De Haer)
- Genomic breeding values for heat tolerance in dairy cattle (Michelle Axford)
- Effect of heat stress on production traits of Holstein cattle in Japan: parameter estimation using test day records of first parity and genome wide markers (Yamato Atagi)
- Genetic analysis of skinfold thickness and its association with body condition score, and milk production traits in Chinese Holstein population (Yachun Wang)
- Is a 35-day feeding test with automatic daily weighting good enough for evaluating beef cattle for feed efficiency traits? (Roberto Torres)
- A novel, comprehensive genetic and management initiative to reduce the environmental impact of New Zealand dairy cattle (Mark Camara)
- Discovering and validating relationships among genotyped animals (George Wiggans)
- Efficient computation of base generation allele frequencies (Mario Calus)
- Tuning indirect predictions based on SNP effects from single-step GBLUP (Daniela Lourenco)
- Validating Genomic Reliabilities and Gains from Phenotypic Updates (Paul VanRaden)
- Genomic reliability algorithm for a single step marker model (Bevin Harris)
- Integration of foreign estimates of SNP effects into a domestic SNPBLUP (Jeremie Vandenplas)
- Solutions for the fixed effects, yield deviations and daughter yield deviations from a data subject to genomic selection (Esa Mäntysaari)
- Assessment of Single Step benefits for on-farm French National Beef genetic evaluations of birth and weaning traits (Eric Venot)