The page contains the PDF files presented at the “Analytica” Meeting held in Rome, on 21 and 22 March 2019 and the pictures taken during the meeting. The material was produced during the Analytica 2019, a technical meeting held in Rome dedicated to the analytical determination in the dairy chain, from the farm to the dairy industry.
During the two days meeting, various analytical methods and protocols for the interpretation of the results were presented to a wide audience composed by laboratory technicians, DHI representative and stakeholders involve in the milk chain
The main aim of the meeting was the presentation of the latest technological tools and determination analysis finalized to present correct and reliable methods in the milk analysis
Representatives of both the farmers and of the industry had the unique chance to present their views to develop convergent solutions based on the needs of the market and the latest technologies provided by the R&D sectors of the major analytical industries. At the same time, experts on data interpretation and statistical analysis participated , being the connecting ring among the various actors involved in the milk analysis making the management of the quality assurance the core of their interventions
Aimed to national technicians, the meeting benefit of the participation of international speakers that with their wider experience made participants aware of the different solutions implemented in other countries
Presentations as PDF
- Update from IDF Science and Programme Coordination Committee
Piercristiano Brazzale - Cow health and feed efficiency improvement through milk analyses and optimized health and feed management
D. M. Barbano - Novel Analytical Solutions At FOSS For Dairy herd management
Lina V. Moussa - Latest analytical and automation solutions for the dairy industry. A new holistic model for the multiplex analysis and optimal valorization of milk and dairy products composition
Pierre Broutin - Suitable SCC Reference Materials for Flow Cytometry Counting
Christian Baumgartner - Markers innovativi per la diagnosi della mastite bovina
Giovanna De Matteis e Francesco Grandoni - Calculation model to compare different proficiency tests
Modello di calcolo per la comparazione dei proficiency tests
Thomas Berger and Werner Luginbühl - ANTOINETTE: DNA and antibody stained total and differential somatic cell counting in milk using flow citometry
Lotti Egger, Cedric Brugger Jerome Widmer and Thomas Berger - MIAMi : Microscopic Image Analysis in Milkper il “Miglioramento del metodo Microscopico per la conta delle cellule somatiche nel Latte”
Silvia Orlandini - Opportunità e limiti dell’utilizzo della sensoristica nella zootecnia
Fabio Abeni and Andrea Galli - Il valore della refertazione delle analisi del latte
Alessandro Fantini - FT-NIR: Dal latte crudo al controllo di qualità per il laboratorio e il processo
Andreas Niemöller and Paolo Belloni - Le revisione della ISO 5725 e le nuove attività sui Big Data Analytics
Silvia Orlandini - Modelli di Validazione per dati Qualitativi
Silvia Orlandini - METROFOOD-RI: Infrastructure for promoting Metrology in Food and Nutrition
Claudia Zoani - Multiplex phOtonic sensor for pLasmonic-based Online detection of contaminants in milk
Stefano Toffanin