The page summarises the results of the ICAR Proficiency test for milk Laboratories (Reference and Routine methods) had in March 2016. It also lists the laboratories participating to the Round Test and basic information about the service provided to ICAR Members and the instructions to join it
Milk Laboratories Proficiency Test 2016
ICAR Member with at least one Milk laboratory participating to the Proficiency Test Round (March 2016) |
Département Valorisation des Productions agricoles (DVP), Centre Wallon de Recherche Agronomique – CRA -W | Belgium |
T&V – ILVO Eenheid Technologie en Voeding Productkwaliteit en Voedselveiligheid | Belgium |
Valacta – Centre d’Expertise en Production Laitière du Québec | Canada |
Eesti Pollumajandusloomade Joudluskontrolli AS, Milk Analysing Laboratory | Estonia |
Milchprüfring Baden-Württemberg e.V., Zentrallabor Kirchheim | Germany |
ÁT. KFT. Tejvizsgáló Laboratórium (Livestock Performance Testing Ltd ) | Hungary |
Teagasc, Technical Services Laboratory | Ireland |
Central Milk Laboratory – ICBA | Israel |
Associazione Italiana Allevatori, Laboratorio Standard Latte (LSL-AIA) | Italy |
Federazione Latterie Alto Adige Soc. Agr. Coop. | Italy |
Japan Dairy Technical Association | Japan |
Laboratorium Oceny Mleka, Krajowego Centrum Hodowli Zwierzat (KCHZ), Laboratorium Referencyjne z siedziba w Parzniewie | Poland |
PFHBiPM Laboratorium w Parzniewie | Poland |
PFHBiPM Laboratorium w Bialymstoku zs.w jezewie Starym | Poland |
PFHBiPM Laboratorium w Kobiernie | Poland |
PFHBiPM Region Oceny Bydgoszcz z/s w Minikowie | Poland |
Laboratorija za ispitivanje kvaliteta mleka, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad, | Serbia |
ANPI Dairy Laboratory | South Africa |
Lab Agroalimentario de Santander | Spain |
Suisselab AG | Switzerland |
Qlip N.V. | The Netherlands |
Cattle Information Service (CIS) | United Kingdom |
Eastern Laboratory Services | USA |
The Reports produced for the Proficiency Round Test had in March 2016 for the reference and the routine method are available to the following links:
Information and instructions for the participation
For more information and for joining the Proficiency Test, please browse the page here
For any further enquiry, please contact the ICAR secretariat at