ICAR is pleased to announce that from March 2017 ICAR offers the possibility to certify milk analysers in accordance to the ICAR “Protocol for evaluation of milk analysers” (available here) developed and endorsed by the ICAR Milk Analysis Sub-Committee.
It is an international harmonised protocol that serves the interest of milk recording world-wide.
In the last years we assisted to a rapid development of automated analytical methods in milk analysis for milk payment and milk recording. As a consequence of such changes, high speed instruments can efficiently provide results for fat, protein, lactose, somatic cell count, urea and other parameters; however an international validation instruments process has not yet been applied.
The manufacturers and the laboratories using such instruments will benefit from the ICAR international certification because it will avoid multiple local/national certifications.
The ICAR certification will follow the ISO 8196-3 IDF 128-3 with particular attention for the DHI analyses.
The application of the ICAR protocol, for an international certification, needs the coordination of an experimental plan and for this reason Service-ICAR is leading the certification with a harmonised protocol fitted for this purpose.
The ICAR certified milk analysers and those granted with the grandfathered exemption are available here
To express your interest in the ICAR certification for milk analysers, please download, fill in the specific form (the ICAR milk analyser application) and email it to: icar@icar.org. ICAR will reply to you according your technical requirements with a proposal of certification.
You may contact Silvia Orlandini or ICAR Secretariat for any further information/explanation if needed.