Breed Association Working Group


The BA-WG has been established to facilitate the world bodies representing specific breeds to achieve objectives common to multiple breeds. That is, it is to facilitate and not compete with the breed specific world bodies.

The objectives of the BA-WG are to:

  1. Scope: Common Breed Association activities for Cattle, Sheep, Goats, small Camelid, and Buffalo. It is accepted that work is likely to proceed more rapidly for cattle than the other species.
  2. Act as the interface between Breed Associations worldwide and ICAR, and encourage cooperative work in areas of common interest.
  3. Ensure the combined capabilities of Breed Associations & ICAR are used to deliver mutual benefits in the areas of common interest.
  4. Encourage cross membership of working groups in common areas.
  5. Report to the ICAR Board at regular intervals, at least yearly.



  • Suzanne Harding, World Holstein Friesian Federation (WHFF)


  • Cherilyn Watson, World Holstein Friesian Federation
  • Courtney Walker, World Guernsey Cattle Federation
  • Daria Iakovishina, Breedi
  • Jeffrey Bewley, Holstein Association, USA
  • Mircea-Cătălin Rotar, Romanian Breeding Assoc. “Baltata Romaneasca” Simmental type and Nat. Inst. for R&D for Biology and Animal Nutrition, Dept. of Animal Genetic Resources, Romania
  • Pauline Michot, Charolais Herd Book, France
  • Tania Sanchez, Asociacion Holstein de México, Mexico