Artificial Insemination & Relevant Technologies Working Group


  1. Maintain, update, promote and extend universal guidelines for recording data associated with artificial breeding (for both male and female gametes, primarily in cattle) and its use to assess reproductive success.
  2. Conduct and report the results of periodic international surveys related the recording of artificial breeding data and its use to assess reproductive success.
  3. Identify and specify services that can be provided by Service ICAR to facilitate the recording of artificial breeding data and its use to assess reproductive success.
  4. Stimulate and facilitate international collaboration in research and development on all aspects of recording artificial breeding data and its use to assess reproductive success.

Description of straw markings

Description of straw markings in selected countries are now available for:

  1. NAAB (USA)
  2. LIC (New Zealand)
  3. CRV (The Netherlands)
  4. SwissGenetics (Switzerland)
  5. InSeme (Italy)
  6. ADR (Germany)
  7. France

Details on a proposed database in France are available here.



  • Marleen Broekhuijse, CRV, (The Netherlands)


  • Jens Baltissen  Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V. (Germany)
  • Melton DeJarnette  NAAB (Select Sires) (USA)
  • Knut Dragset  Geno SA (Norway)
  • Marja Eskelinen  FABA (Finland)
  • Olivier Gérard Allice (France)
  • Liga Kubulina  Sigmas (Latvia)
  • Lamberto Morelli  INSEME spa (Italy)
  • Eliza Roberts  CSS (subsidiary of NAAB, National Association of Animal Breeders) (USA)
  • Richard Spelman  LIC (New Zealand)
  • A.K. Thiruvenkadan  (India)

Associate Members

  • Christian Simmet, MiniTub, Germany
  • Angela De Mirjyn, IMV, France


  • Edvardas Gedgaudas, Lithuania
  • Jen-Wen Schiau, Taiwan
  • Evija Skujiņa, Latvia
  • Inguna Slice, Latvia
  • Mingche Wu, Taiwan

ICAR team support

  • René van der Linde