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Latest news from ICAR here ….
A new press release for the new Interbeef Strategy has been circulated
(18-March-2025) - CDCB (Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding), USA, successfully renewed the ICAR certification as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Centre for Parentage Verification
(12-March-2025) - Pecfort Import Export and Commercialization of Goods (Brazil) join ICAR as a new Associate Member
(9-March-2025) - Mon Système Fourrager/ My Forage Systems, (Canada) join ICAR as a new associate Member
(20-Feb.-2025) - CRV Coöperative ua, AEU, Animal Evaluation Unit, The Netherlands, successfully renewed the certification as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Center for Parentage Verification
(15-Feb.-2025) - Call for the 2025 ICAR certification of accredited laboratories for STR microsatellite-based parentage testing and SNP-based genotyping
(7-Feb.-2025) - Deadline for the abstract submission to the ICAR 2024 Annual Conference in Anand (India) has been extended to 24 January
- Proceedings from the ICAR Annual Conference held in Bled have (May 2024) have been published
(30-Jan.-2025) - A new document on “Ear Tag Loss Rate Calculation Methods” has been produced by the ICAR Animal Identification Sub-Committee (Norbert Wirtz)
(27-Jan.-2025) - New edition of the ICAR Guidelines, Section 10 on “Animal Identification Device Testing and Certification“
(8-Jan.-2025) - The “Call for Abstracts” and the “Registrations for the ICAR 2025 Annual Conference in Anand (India) are now open (see the official web site)
(8-Jan.-2025) - Hellas K Sylaios SA (Greece) and Boumatic Robotics BV (The Netherlands) join ICAR as Associate Members
(7-Jan.-2025) - The “Call for the 2025 Proficiency Test for milk analysis laboratories (Routine and Reference)” has been launched
(19-Dec.-2024) - ICAR finalised the 2024 round for the “SNP-based genotyping certification” and for the “STR Microsatellite-based parentage testing certification”. Presently, 8 laboratories have been certified
(16-Dec.-2024) - Agricultural Research Council (ARC), South Africa, successfully renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields
(11-Dec.-2024) - SEGES, Denmark, successfully renewed the certification as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Center for Parentage Verification
(10-Dec.-2024) - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Schweizerischer Rinderzuchter (ASR) and its member organisations successfully renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality for their fields
(2-Dec.-2024) - Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (Kmetijski Inštitut Slovenije), Animal Production Department successfully renewed the certification as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Center for Parentage Verification
(2-Dec.-2024) - ICAR is hiring a new General Manager: more information and details here
(29-Nov.-2024) - GIGA University of Liege successfully passed after its firts application the certification as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Center for Parentage Verification
(29-Nov.-2024) - Livestock Improvement Association of Japan, Inc., Maebashi Institute of Animal Science successfully renewed the certification as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Center for Parentage Verification
(27-Nov.-2024) - South Africa Stud Book (South Africa) successfully renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields
(18-Nov.-2024) - Two new Associate Members in ICAR: ID-SCAN (South Africa) and MTech (Finland)
(10-November-2024) - ICBF, Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (Ireland), has been successfully re-certified as a DNA Data Interpretation Centre for Parentage Verification
(5-Nov.-2024) - ANAFIBJ, Associazione Nazionale Allevatori della Razza Frisona, Bruna e Jersey Italiana (Italy), has been re-certified as DNA Data Interpretation Center for Parentage Verification
(4-Nov.-2024) - Synergy, Unione per i Servizi alla Selezione e alla Biodiversità (Italy) has ben certified as a DNA Data Interpretation Centre for Parentage Verification
(31-Oct.-2024) - QMMS, Quality Milk Management Services Ltd., (UK) has successfully renewed its ICAR Certificate of Quality
(25-10-2024) - Clínica do Leite Ltda (Brazil) join ICAR as a new Associate Member
(17-10-2024) - SA Stud Book succussfully granted the certification as ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Centre for Parentage Verification
(17-October-2024) - GENO SA has successfully renewed its ICAR Certification as a DNA Data Interpretation Centre for parentage verification
(7-Oct-2024) - During its last Board meeting, the ICAR Board endorsed the following people in the following ICAR Groups:
- Jasper van der Noord (Uniform-Agri, The Netherlands) as Co-Chair of the Animal Data Exchange Working Group
- Angie Lockwood (NMR, UK) as new member of the Measuring, Recording and Sampling Devices Sub-Committee
- Jean-Marc Neilson (Lactanet, Canada) as new member of the Measuring, Recording and Sampling Devices Sub-Committee
- Martin Burke is the new ICAR Chief Executive, replacing Marie Mourot
(1-October-2024) - ZuchtData EDV-Dienstlesitungen GmbH has successfully renewed its certification as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(4-Sept.-2024) - Jenny Bodeutsch has been appointed as new staff member at the ICAR Secretariat
(5-August-2024) - The Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food (Croatia) and France Génétique Elevage (France) have renewed their Certificate of Quality for their respective fields
(30-July-2024) - A new publication on “Yearly survey on milk recording systems (Years 2022 and 2023) for cow, sheep and goats” has been made available for downloading
(11-July-2024) - Webinar on the “Proficiency Test for the Bull Semen” service has been organsied on 23 July and 9 September
(10-July-2024) - First issue of the Newsletter of the Digi4Life EU funded Project
(10-July-2024) - Daria Iakovishina (from Breedi) and Jeffrey Bewley (from the Holstein Association, USA) are the new members of the Breed Association Working Group
(27-June-2024) - At the last Bled Annual Conference, the following ICAR awards were delivered to:
President Award: Niels Henning Nielsen
Outstanding Contribution Award: Jean-Michel Astruc
Service Award: David B. Hambrook (UK); Roel Veerkamp (The Netherlands); Damien Pachoud (Switzerland); Josef Kucera (Czech Rep.)
Datagene (Australia) has successfully renewed its certification as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(24-June-2024) - It is with great regret that ICAR informs that Dr Dr h.c. Klaus Meyn, long-standing Managing Director of the German Cattle Breeders’ Association, passed away last Friday (7 June 2024) at the age of 86.
(14-June-2024) - Dennis Le replaces Simon Jenkins as new member of the ICAR Animal Data Exchange Working Group
(11-June-2024) - Fredrik Karlsson (DeLaval) is a new member of the ICAR ADE Working Group. He replaces his colleague Lars Bergmann
(10-June-2024) - The ICAR Guidelines now include the new Section 23 on “Wool Sheep Recording”
(07-June-2024) - Miel Hostens replaces Kai Kuwan as new Chairperson of the Dairy Cattle MIlk Recording Working Group
(05-June-2024) - Filippo Miglior (Lactanet, Canada) replaces Brian Van Doormaal as new member of the Interbull Sub-Committee
(05-June-2024) - Sean Godfrey (Sheep Ireland) is the new member of the Sheep, Goats and Camelids Working Group
(04-June-2024) - Malia Caputo (CDCB, USA) and Muril Niebuhr (Dairy Farmers of America, USA) have been nominated in Bled as new members of the MA SC
(01-June-2024) - Please note the new post address of ICAR: Arthur van Schendelstraat 550, 3511 MH Utrecht, The Netherlands
(1-June-202$) - The PowerPoint presentations and the pictures taken in Bled at the 2024 Annual Conference have been made available
(31-May-2024) - A new ICAR service has been launched: the ICAR Bull Semen Proficiency Test
(26-May-2024) - Sean Coughlan (Ireland), Ida Marie Lindhardt Drejer Storm (Denmark) and Jaš Stanislav (Czech republic) replace as new Board Members the previous ones Josef Kucera and Niels Henning Nielsen
(24-May-2024) - Pedro Santos Vaz, from the Association of Aberdeen-Angus Portugal, and Anne Menrath fom the Fachbereich Zucht und Genetik (Germany) have been nominated new members of the Interbeef WG
(14-May-2024) - Asha Miles from the Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture has been nominated new members of Dairy Cattle Milk Recording WG
(14-May-2024) - Holm & Laue GmbH & Co. KG (Germany) join ICAR as a new Associate Member
(14-May-2024) - Qualitas AG (Switzerland) successfully renewed its certification as ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(14-May-2024) - The General programme and the Scientific programme for the ICAR Annual Conference in Bled have been made available
(14-May-2024) - Labogena (France) has been ICAR certified as alaboratories for genotyping in cattle by SNPs and STRs.
(9-May-2024) - The Proficiency Test for milk laboratories organised in March 2024 has been finalised. 57 world-wide laboratories join the initiative
(8-May-2024) - Lorenzo Pascarella (Milking Control Service at Italian breeding Association, AIA) has been endorsed by the ICAR B0ard as new member of the MRSD SC
(25-Apr.-2024) - Maebashi, Livestock Improvement Association of Japan, Inc. has been certified by SNP-based genotyping (Priority submission)
(25-Apr.-2024) - Küpsan Tag joined ICAR as a new Associate Member
(9-Apr.-2024) - Maarten Moleman (Nedap Livestock Management) is a new member of the Animal Data Exchange Working Group
(3-Apr-2024) - Tania Sanchez (Asociacion Holstein de México) is a new member of the Breed Association Working Group
(01-Apr.-2024) - ICAR launched the 2024 “Call for the certification of accredited genetic laboratories by STR and SNP”
(27-March-2024) - Video of the webinar on Methane emissions and feed efficiency: where are we now and where do we want to be?” by Caeli Richardson (AbacusBio) is now available
(26-March-2023) - University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Dept. Animal Science and Association Wallone des Èleveurs a.s.b.l. (Elevéo) have successfully renewed the Certificate of Quality for their respective fields(22-March-2024)
- The deadline for the Abstract submission to the ICAR 2024 Annual Conference in Bled is Monday 1 April
(20-March-2024) - On 25 March a webinar by Caeli Richardson on “Methane emissions and feed efficiency: where are we now and where do we want to be?” is scheduled.
Free participation upon registration here
(14-March-2024) - The videos and presentations of the webinar on “Using MIR to predict methane emissions” held on 6 March 2024 have been made available
(7-March-2024) - ICAR is officially launching its new SNP-Based Parentage Discovery Certification for DNA Data Interpretation Centres starting Monday, March 18, 2024
(7-March-2024) - Yangzhou Huamu Technology Co. Ltd. (China) joined ICAR as a new Associate Member
(29-Feb.-2024) - AIA, the Italian Breeders’ Association (Italy), successfully renewed its ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields of action
(28-Feb.-2024) - Si-Ware Systems (Egypt), joined ICAR as a new Associate Member
(26-Feb.-2024) - LDC, State Agency Agricultural Data Centre (Latvia) successfully renewed its ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields of action
(22-Feb.-2024) - Silvia Orlandini has assumed the role of Technical Director in ICAR
(17-Feb.-2024) - Växa Sverige (Sweden) successfully renewed its ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields of action
(16-Feb.-2024) - On 6 March at h. 14.00-16.00 Paris time, a webinar on “Using MIR to predict methane emissions” is scheduled. Free participation upon rergistration here
(6-Feb.-2024) - Kick-off meeting of the Digi4Life EU funded Project where ICAR is among its partner
(3-Feb.-2024) - The video of the second webinar of the Brian Wickham Programme on “Sensor data for animal health and welfare” and presented by Katharina Schodl (ZuchtData) has been made available .
(30-Jan-2024) - VIT, Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung w.V., Germany, has been successully certified as an ICAR Data Interpretation Centre
(25-Jan.-2024) - Lucia Borreguero Escribano (Central Veterinary Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Spain) joined the ICAR DNA Working Group
(22-Jan.-2024) - SRUC, Scotland’s Rural College has been successully certified as an ICAR Data Interpretation Centre
(21-Jan.-2024) - Joanna Kwaśniewska is a new Auditor of the CoQ
- On 30 January at h. 19.30, the second webinar of the Brian Wickham Programme is planned on “Sensor data for animal health and welfare” presented by Katharina Schodl (ZuchtData) . Free participation upon registration here
(17.-Jan.-2024) - Neogen successfully renewed its accreaditations as an ICAR Data Interpretation Centre
(17-Jan.-2024) - The Proceedings from the Toledo 2023 Annual Conference have been published. Breeding for resilience: transitioning diverse livestock farming systems into the future. Proceedings of the 46th ICAR Annual Conference held in Toledo, Spain, 21 -26 May 2023. I. Casasu, F. Estellés, P. LLonch, M. Luque, C. Dia, M. Burke and C. Mosconi (Eds). ICAR Technical Series no. 27 (ISBN: 978-92-95014-23-7)
(17-Jan.- 2024) - Xenética Fontao successfully renewed its accreaditations as an ICAR Data Interpretation Centre
(10-Jan.-2024) - The “Call for Abstracts” and the “Registration” for the Bled 2024 Annual Conference are now available
(01-Jan-2023) - The round for the “2023 ICAR Certification for STR microsatellite-based parentage testing and SNP-based genotyping” has been finalised. The list of the certified laboratories has ben published
(26-Dec.-2023) - Jessica Kinnander is the new Chairperson of the Expert Advisory Group for the Certificate of Quality.
(23 Dec. 2023) - In its last meeting, the ICAR Board endorsed Janette Mathie from CIS, (UK) as the new member of the MRSD SC
(20-Dec.-2023) - Thomas Denninger (Swiss Herdbook), is a new member of the MRSD SC
(30-Nov.- 2023) - On 14 December at h. 10.00AM, the first webinar of the “Brian Wickham Young Person’s Ex2 Series” is planned. Free participation upon registration here. More info in the web page
(28-Oct.-2023) - A webinar on “ExtraMIR (Part 1): A common platform for testing and validating models” was organised. Videos are now available
(13-Dec.-2023) - ICAR launched the 2024 Proficiency Test for milk laboratories
(21-Nov.- 2023) - The ICAR guidelines for Measuring, Recording and Sampling Devices (Section 11) have been recently updated.
(10-Oct.-2023) - The 2nd round of the 2023 of the Proficiency Test for milk laboratories has been finalised. 45 world-wide laboratories took part to the PT for Reference and Routine methods
(3-Oct.2023) - It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our dear friend, Brian Wickham. Brian left us on the night of August 19th.
(21-Aug-2023) - Two videos presenting the advantages of the ICAR certification of ID devices have been produced, presenting the point of views of manufacturers and of the National Competent Authorities
(6-Aug.-2023) - Valley Agricultural Software, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA, joined ICAR as a new Associate Member
(10-July-2023) - The 2023 awards were given to personalities for their contribution given to ICAR and to the animal production sector (Andrew Cromie, Martin Burke and Elena Couto)
(02-07-2023) - Dairy Farmers Association of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) joined ICAR as a new Full Member
(25-June-2023) - Czech Moravian Breeders’ Corp (Czech Rep.) renewed its ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields of action
(15-June-2023) - Krajowe Centrum Hodowli Zwierząt (Poland) renewed its ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields of action
(14-June-2023) - Topcon Agriculture S.r.l.(Italy) joined ICAR as a new Associate Member
(31-May-2023) - FarmTrace (The Netherlands) joined ICAR as a New Associate Member
(30 May-2023) - The ICAR Board endorsed Josée Bordeleau, Lactanet (Canada), as the new Chairperson of the Milk Analysis SC
(21-05-2023) - Breedi (The Netherlans), Faba (Finland), Växa Sverige (Sweden) successfully renewed their accreaditations as ICAR Data Interpretation Centres
(17-May-2023) - ProAgria Group (Finland) successfully renewed its ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields of action
(02-May-2023) - Weatherbys Scientific, Ireland has been re-certified as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(28-04-2023) - Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V. (Germany) successfully renewed its ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields of action
(24-Apr.-2023) - Webinar on “ExtraMIR – Extra value from (smart use of) MIR spectra” is organised on 25 May (h. 14.00-17.30). Free participation upon registration here
(17-Apr.-2023) - The ICAR round of the Proficienct Test for March 2023 finalised and exapmples for the Reference and Routine Reports have been published
(17-April-2023) - Breedi B.V.(The Netherlands), joint ICAR as Associate Member
(15-04-2023) - Norbert Wirtz, Bundesverband Rind und Schwein e.V. (German Livestock Association), is a new member of the ID SC
(11-Apr.-2023) - Webinar on “Using sensor data for animal health and welfare improvement along the dairy value chain: merits and requirements” scheduled on 25 May, 2023, h. 8.30 -13.00 (Paris time) and organised by the Functional Traits Working Group and IDF is announced. Free participation by remote connection upon registration here
(07-April-2023) - Workshop on “Measure and analyse individual methane emission in cattle”, 23 May 2023, h. 8.30-13 (Paris time). Free participation by remote connection upon registration here
(05-April-2023) -
Recorded video and slides of the webinar on “New ICAR/IDF project on the use of infrared data – ExtraMIR” have been made available
(04-April-2023) -
Sylco Hellas K Sylaios SA., Greece, joined ICAR as Associate Member
(22-March-2023) - Slides and recorded video of the webinar on “Large-scale recording of feed intake in dairy cattle on commercial farms”, have been made available. Around 200 technicians join it
(14-March-2023) - FarmTrace, The Netherlands, has join ICAR as an Associate Member
(01-03-2023) - Ruben de Vries replaces Harrie van den Bijgart as member of the Milk Analysis Sub-Committee
(01-03-2023) - ZuchtData EDV-Dienstlesitungen GmbH successfully renewed its ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(23-02-2023) - In cooperation with IDF, a webinar on “New ICAR/IDF project on the use of infrared data – ExtraMIR” will be held on 28 March 2023, 20h00 – 21h00 (Paris time).
Participation is free upon registration here
(21-02-2023) - A webinar on “Large-scale recording of feed intake in dairy cattle on commercial farms” will be held on 14 March 2023, H. 15.00 – 16.50 (Paris time). A specific brochure has been prepared to present the webinar (available here). Participation is free upon registration here
(21-02-2023) - The “Call for the 2023 ICAR Certification for STR microsatellite-based parentage testing and SNP-based genotyping” is now open. Deadline for receiving the documentation is 10 May
(07-Feb.-2023) - Videos of the presentations taken a the the Montreal 2022 Annual Conference have been made available in the website
(03-Feb.–2023) - The Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun (Serbia) has joined ICAR as a Full Member
(31-01-2023) - The National Research Institute of Animal Production in Krakow, Department of Cattle Breeding (Poland) successfully renewed their ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(31-Jan.-2023) - The slides and the video of the webinar on “The ICAR ADE standards. Version 1.3” organised by the ICAR Animal Data Exchange Working Group have been made available
(27-01-2023) - The first issue of the “ExtraMIR Newesletter” has been made available
(22-01-2023) - Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding, CDCB (USA) and CRV Coöperative ua, AEU, Animal Evaluation Unit (The Netherlands) successfully renewed their ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(19-Jan.-2023) -
- For the webinar on 25 January 2023, h. 21.00 Paris time equivalent to h. 14.00 in Chicago and to h. 9.00 in Auckland (26 January) please register here
- For the webinar on 26 January 2023, h. 09.00 in Paris, equivalent to h. 21.00 in Auckland (NZ), pleaseregister here
- Following the revision, the updated version of the ICAR Guidelines: Section 9 on “Guidelines for Dairy Cattle Genetic Evaluation” have been published to the site
(17-Jan.-2023) - Proceedings from the ICAR 2022 Annual Conference have been made available for free downloading: Share. Connect. Transform. Sharing solutions on digital transformation, animal welfare and environmental sustainability to support global food security. Proceedings of the 45th ICAR Annual Conference held in Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 30 May – 3 June 2022. A.-M. Christen, D. Lefebvre, F. Miglior, R. Cantin, M. Burke, and C. Mosconi (Eds). ICAR Technical Series no. 26 (ISBN: 978-92-95014-22-0)
(9-December-2022) - Livestock Improvement Association of Japan, Inc., Maebashi Institute of Animal Science successfully renewed the ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(2-Dec.-2022) - Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (Kmetijski Inštitut Slovenije), Animal Production Department successfully renewed the ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(30-Nov.-2022) - The “Call for subscribing to the 2023 ICAR Proficiency Test form Milk Laboratories” (for Reference and Routine laboratories) is now open !!!! Two rounds are planned (March and September 2023)
(29-Nov.- 2023) - SEGES Innovation P/S (Denmark) has succesully renewed its ICAR Parentage Analysis Certifications as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(21-Nov.- 2022) - Second round of 2022 of the ICAR Proficiency Test for milk laboratories (Sept. 2022) has been finalised
(11-Nov.-2022) - DGAV, Direção-General da Alimentação e Veterinária, Portugal, re-joined ICAR as a Full Member
(01-Nov.-202) - GENO SA (Norway) has renewed its ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(26-10-2022) - University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science has renewed the ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as a DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(18-Oct.-2022) - Alab Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, Poland, joint ICAR as a new Associate Member
(06-October-2022) - Holstein UK Group successfully granted the ICAR Certificate of Quality for its fields
(3-Oct.-2022) - KAIA, Korea Animal Improvement Association has renewed the ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as a DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(27-Sept.-2022) - Irish Cattle Breeding Federation, ICBF has been granted as an ICAR Data Interpretation Centre
(8-Sept.-2022) - Pupz do Brasil (Brazil) joined ICAR as associate member
(30-Aug.-2022) - The translation into Italian of the Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the ICAR Claw Atlas have been published
(29-Aug.-2022) - A page presenting the new initiative about ExtraMIR (with the overall goal to offer a more complete and deeper understanding of the activities related to the use of Mid Infrared (MIR) spectra in the dairy sector) has been created
(13-July-2022) - The Abstracts, Presentations and Pictures presented at the ICAR 2022 Annual Conference in Montreal have been made available for free downloading
(6-July-2022) - The new ICAR initiative and the instructions for The Brian Wickham Young Person Exchange Program (BW YPEX) have been published
(4-July-2022) - The new Statutes approved by the General Assembly in Montreal have been published
(29-06-2022) - Silicon Craft Technology Public Company Limited (Thailand) join ICAR as a new Associate Member
(29-06-2022) - The new Section 4 (DNA) and Section 5 (Conformation recording) of the ICAR Guidelines have been published
(22-06-2022) - The video of the ICAR/IDF webinar on “Recording and evaluation of BCS and its relationship with health and welfare”. 31 May 2022 is now available
(8-June-2022) - Romy Morrin-O’Donnell (Weatherbys, Ireland) is the new Chairperson of the ICAR DNA Working Group, replacing Brian Van Doormall that previously served the workiing group for 6 years
(7-June-2022) - Video of the ICAR webinar on “Launch of ICAR Parentage Discovery Certification Services” held on June 2nd 2022 during the ICAR Annual Conference in Montreal has been published
(7-June-2022) - Enrico Santus and Laurent Griffon have been elected to the ICAR Board replacing Frido Amoen and Laurent Journaux who are acknowledged for their commitment as Board members
(01-June-2022) - Georg-August-Universitaet, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, hassuccessfully renewed the ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(26-05-2022) - Pictures from the 2nd Annual Meeting of the SMARTER Project, Leon (Spain) on 18 and 19 May 2022 have been published (Technical Session and Social evening)
(23-May-2022) - The updated booklet on “Yearly survey on milk recording systems for cow, sheep and goats for 2020 and 2021 has been published
(23-May-2022) - Synergy, Unione per i servizi alla selezione e alla biodiversità, previously ANARB, Associazione Allevatori Razza Bruna, successfully renewed the ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as for DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(17-May-2022) - ANAFIBJ (Associazione Nazionale Allevatori della Razza Frisona, Bruna e Jersey Italiana) has successfully renewed the ICAR Parentage Analysis Certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(16-Mau-2022) - A page on the new initiative on Extra-MIRfor the Milk Analysis has been published. ExtraMIR (Extra value from -smart use of- MIR spectra) is an ICAR/IDF joint action team that would like to offer a more complete and deeper understanding of the activities related to the use of MIR spectra
(10-May-2022) - ATL Agricultural Technology Limited joined ICAR as a new associate member
(05-May-2022) - Agricultural Data Centre (Latvia) successfully passed the consultative review for the Certificate of Quality
(04-May-2022) - Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini di Razza Pezzata Rossa (ANAPRI), Italy, successfully renewed the certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(02-May-2022) - The 2022 first round of the ICAR Proficiency Test for milk laboratories (March 2022) has been finalised and the Reference and Routine reports have been delivered to the participating laboratories. Next round in September 2022
(19-April-2022) - National Milk Records (NMR), UK, successfully renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality
(6-April-2022) - The translations into French of the ICAR Claw Atlas Appendix 1 (L’Atlas sur les lésions aux onglons de ICAR – Stades de la de la dermatite digitale, Stades M) and Appendix 2 (Atlas de santé des onglons ICAR – Annexe 2: Lésions de dermatite digitale associées à des lésions de la corne) have been published.
(06-April-2022) - ICAR Board endorsed Marleen Broekhuijse (CRV, The Nertherlands) as the new Chairperson of the Artificial Insemimnation and Related Technologies Working Group. She replaces Olivier Gerad (Allice, France)
(4-April-2022) - Czech Moravian Breeders Corporation inc. (Czech Rep.) and Agricultural Research Council (South Africa) successfully renewed their Certifictae of Quality in their respective fields
(25-02-2022) - A short manuscript on the course on claw health (In Verona and Reggio Emilia the goal is the health of the bovine foot: the ICAR Claw Atlas as reference publication) has been published in LinkedIn
(27-02-2022) - ICAR 2022 Annual Conference (Montreal, Canada) will be an IN-PERSON event!
(21-Feb.-2022) - Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung w.V. (VIT) successfully renewed the certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(16-Feb.-2022) - FEAGAS, Spain, successfully granted the ICAR Certificate of Quality for Animal identification in dairy and beef cattle and Animal identification in dairy and meat sheep and goats
(30-Jan.-2022) - CABROP (Pakistan) joined ICAR as a Full Member
(26-Jan.-2022) - Neogen has been certified for the first time as an ICAR Parentage Analysis laboratory for DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(24-Jan.-2022) - The ICAR Insight (IV issue in 2021) has been published
(23-Jan.-2022) - Deutscher Verband für Leistungs- und Qualitätsprüfungen e.V. – DLQ, successfully renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality
(18.-Jan.-2022) - University of Novi Sad, Agricultural Faculty, Department of Animal Science successfully renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality for Laboratory services for milk analysis
(17-Jan.-2022) - Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung w.V. (VIT), Germany, successfully renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality for Genetic evaluation in dairy cattle, beef cattle, and other species
(13-Jan.-2022) - The Call for Papers the ICAR 2022 Annual Conference (Montral, Canada, May 30 – June 3, 2022) is now open and the deadline for the submission is February 14th.
(16-Dec.-2021) - ICAR announced the launch of the 2022 ICAR Proficiency Test for milk laboratories. Two rounds are planned, on 7 March and 5 September.
(27-November-2021) - The Sheep, Goats and Camelids Working Group, chaired by Jean-Michel Astruc, produced a new set of Guidelines (Section 21) on: “Meat, reproduction and maternal trait in sheep and goats“
(27-Nov.-2021) - The 2021 certification round for the genetic laboratories for the STR-based parentage verification and SNP-based genotyping has been finalised
(11-Nov.-2021) - Informative material and presentations from the Animal Identification and Registration Systems (AIRS) – Mongolia International Workshop have been published.
(31-Oct.-2021) - The translations into spanish of the Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the ICAR Claw Health Atlas have been published
(29-Oct.-2021) - The ICAR Sustainability Task Force has been established and its composition is now available
(26-Oct. -2021) - Xenética Fontao successfully granted the certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(21-Oct.-2021) - The Proceedings of the ICAR 44th Annual Conference (2021) held in April have been published (Circular farming and its impact on animal genetics, animal recording of data and cattle / herd management) . G. de Jong, K. de Koning, H. van den Bijgaart, M. Burke and C. Mosconi (Eds). ISSN: 1563-2504 ISBN: 978-92-95014-20-6
(18-Oct.-2021) - ICAR PT round (September 2021) of milk analysis laboratories has been finalised. Reports have been delivered to the participating laboratories and other information are available to ICAR users
(13-Oct.-2021) - An alert on the Misuse of Manufacturer Code 992 has been published
(30-Sept.-2021) - Animal data standard broadens scope and utility by the new release of the version 1.2 of the Animal Data Exchange specification
(23-Sept.-2021) - The translation of Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 into Estonian of the ICAR Claw Health Atlas have been published
(21-Sept.-2021) - Abstracts and presentations plus the videos of the ICAR 2021 Annual Conference have been made available on the site for free downloading
(03-September-2021) - Department of Veterinary Services, Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food Security (Botswana) joined ICAR as a full member
(02-Sept.-2021) - The videos of the celebration for the retirement of Brian Wickham had on 27 July has been made available:
- The Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the ICAR Claw Health Atlas have been published in German:
- CONVIS (Luxembourg) successfully renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality
(31-July-2021) - Tine (Norway) successfully renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality
(30-July-2021) - DataGene successfully granted the certification as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(25-July-2021) - Minutes and presentations of the Interbeef Working Group Meeting and its Technical Committee held on 13 July have been made available in a protected area
(23-July-2021) - Following the webinar on the “Proficiency Test for milk laboratories: ICAR contribution to the worldwide traceability, a short contribution presents the main achievements from the webinar
(12-July-2021)” - FarmChamps GmbH & Co. KG. (Germany) joint ICAR as a new Associate Member
(7-July-2021) - The Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers successfully renewed its Certificate of Quality up to June 2026
(20-June-2021) - Informative material and video of the webinar on the ICAR webinar on “Proficiency Test for milk laboratories: ICAR contribution to the worldwide traceability” has been prepared
(16-June-2021) - ICAR Members endorsed the application of the new Section 12, Procedure 2 on “Guidance on application of EC JRC Certified Reference Material for somatic cell counting in milk“
(11-June 2021) - Minutes and Presentations of the Interbeef Working Group and Technical Committee meeting, held virtually on 25 May 2021, have been made available
(03-June-2021) - Hiemke Knijn (VHL Ggenetics, The Netherlands), Johan De Meulemeester, (Merck, USA) and Clotilde Patry (ALLICE, France) have been appointed as new members of the ICAR DNA Working Group
(01-June-2021) - VÄXA ek. för (Sweden) and FABA Co-op (Finland) successfully renewed their certification as ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(31-05-2021) - In the meeting held on 25 May, the ICAR Board endorsed Christian Baumgartner (Milchpruefring Bayern e. V., Germany) as the new Chairperson of the ICAR Milk Analysis Sub-Committee. In the same meeting, the Board endorsed Muril Niebuhr (USA) as Observer in the Sub-Committee
(27-May-2021) - On 16 June 2021 (14.00-15.30 Paris time) a webinar on “Proficiency Test for milk laboratories: ICAR contribution to the worldwide traceability” is organised. Chaired by Christian Baumgartner, it is aimed to managers and technicians of milk laboratories. Free registration here
(21-05-2021) - A press release on LinkedIn advising about the ICAR/IDF webinar on “Animal-based indicators to promote welfare in dairy cows”
(14-May-2021) - Hassan Alhaddad, Riccardo Negrini and Carlo Pastrana have been nominated new members of the Sheep, Goats and Camelids Working Group
(08-May-2021) - The 2021 call for the certification of the genetic laboratories (SNP-based genotyping and STR microsatellite-based parentage testing in cattle) is now open
(6-May-2021) - Matteo Ratti (Merck Animal Health Intelligence) is a new member of the Animal Data Exchange Working Group
(5-May-2021) - In 2021, the ICAR Outstanding Contribution Award has been delivered to Enrico Santus
(30-04-2021) - Växa Sverige positivelly renewed its Certificate of Quality
(30-04-2021) - Welcome to the new ICAR Board Members elected by the General Assembly (28-4-2021): Jason Archer (Abacusbio, NZ), Joao Durr (CDCB, US), Nora Hammer (BRS, DE) and Tone Roalkvam (Tine, NO)
(28-04-2021) - The scientific programme for the ICAR 2021 Annual Conference organised in Leeuwarden (NL) by virtual conference is now available
(25-April-2021) - Association Wallonne des Éleveurs has renewed its Certificate of Quality
(16-April-2021) - The “Preamble” has been added to the ICAR Guidelines
(12-April-2021) - In the Board meeting held on 30-March-2021, the ICAR Board endorsed the following new members of the Sub-Committees:
– Milk Analysis Sub-Committee
– Christian Baumgartner (Germany)
– Josee Bordeleau (Canada)
– Alejandra Rodriguez (Argentina)
– Animal Identification Sub-Committee
– Salvador Ronda, Spain
(31-March-2021) - During the 2021 ICAR Annual Conference ICAR and IDF organise a virtual workshop on “Animal-based indicators to promote welfare in dairy cows”. 26 April (h. 14.00-17.00, Paris time) by a virtual platform
(26-March-2021) - Weatherbys Scientific has renewed its ICAR Parentage Analysis Accreditation as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(26-March-2021) - Launched the new platform to collect data on the “Survey on the cow, sheep and goats milk recording systems”
(24-March-2021) - Lactanet (Canada) has renewed its ICAR Parentage Analysis Accreditation as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(23-March-2021) - A new publication by ICAR and IDF: Guidance on application of EC JRC Certified Reference Material for somatic cell counting in milk by Harrie van den Bijgaart, Silvia Orlandini, and Werner Luginbüh
(16-March-2021) - The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) has renewed its ICAR Parentage Analysis Accreditation as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(15-March-2021) - Agdatahub (149 Rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris, France) joined ICAR as a new Associate Member
(14-March-2021) - The ICAR/IDF collaboration resulted in the publication of the “Guidance on application of EC JRC Certified Reference Material for somatic cell counting in milk”
(12-March-2021) - The National Research Institute of Animal Production, Department of Cattle Breeding (Poland) has renewed its ICAR Parentage Analysis Accreditation as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(3-March-2021) - The French version of the poster on Claw Health Atlas has been published
(27-Feb.-2021) - ICAR-IDF webinar on “Frameworks for animal welfare assessment and meeting stakeholder needs” (24 February 2021). Video and presentations have been made available
(25-Feb-2021) - ZuchtData EDV-Dienstleistungen GmbH has renewed its ICAR Parentage Analysis Accreditation as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(18-Feb.-2021) - The recorded video and the presented slides of the webinar on “Lameness in cows: tha challenging battle” have been made available
(19-Jan-2021) - Ksitest (LLC Ksivalue), Russia, has been accredited as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Centre, while CRV, The Netherlands, renewed the same accreditation
(8-Jan.-2021) - The new issue of the ICAR Newsletter (January 2021) has been published. The issue focuses on:
– ICAR new hire ! Yvonne de Gier, ICAR administration executive
– ICAR Annual Conference in Leeuwarden, April 2021
– News from the ICAR Groups
(06-Jan.-2021) - On 18 Jauary 2021, a webinar on “Lameness in dairy cows: the challenging battle” is jointly organised by ICAR and IDF. Participation is free upon registration here
(18-Dec.-2020) - The video and the presented slides of the webinar on “Development and Application of a Certified Reference Material for Somatic Cell Counting in Milk” organised within the activities of the Milk Analysis Sub-Committee have been made available
(16-Dec.-2020) - SEGES, has renewed its ICAR Parentage Analysis Accreditation as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(11-Dec.-2020) - Video and slides of the webinar organised by the Interbeef Working Group on “Working together on national and international evaluations for beef cattle” has been made available
(10-Dec.-2020) -
The 2020 accreditation round of the genetic laboratories for the parentage testing by STR and SNP has been finalised. 11 laboratories positivelly passed the ICAR standards
(4-Dec.-2020) -
Coöperatie Koninklijke CRV u.a.has renewed the ICAR Certificate of Quality
(15-Oct.-2020) -
Paul Laronde, (Canadian Cattle Identification Agency, Canada) and Pedro Vieira (DGAV, Portugal) are the new members of the ID-SC
(05-10-2020) -
– Daniel Lefebvre (Valacta, Canada), President.
– Frido Hamoen (CRV) and Niels-Henning Nielsen (RYK) are the two new Vice-Presidents,
– Laurent Journaux the Secretary
– Laurent Griffon Financial Inspector and
– Josef Kucera the Tresurer
(15-Sept.-20202) -
Danish DHI celebrate 125 years of service
(20-Aug.-2020 -
OSPRI NZ Ltd. joined ICAR as a new Full Member
(23-07-2020) -
The new issue (July 2020) of the ICAR Newsletter has been published. The issue focuses on the achievements of the ICAR Groups since the last annual meeting held in Prague
(01-July-2020) -
ICAR and IDF are organising an open webinar on “Animal-based indicators to promote welfare in dairy cows” to be held on 9 June from h. 15.00 to 16.30. Participation is free upon preliminary registration here
(27-May-2020) -
The ICAR-Interbull 2021 Conference will be held in Leeuwarden, (Holland) from 26 to 30 April. The ICAR Board confirmed the conference locations of Canada (Montreal) for 2022 and Spain (Toledo) for 2023. These dates will be announced later.
(18-May-2020) -
The first round of the year 2020 of the ICAR Proficiency Test for milk laboratories finalised. Next round in September 2020
(30-April-2020) - The ICAR Functional Traits Working Group has produced a new set of Guidelines on “Lameness in bovine”. The file is part of the ICAR Guidelines available here
(27-March-2020) - ICAR 2020 Annual Conference Postponement
The ICAR Board after discussions with the Local Organising Committee, decided to postpone the ICAR/Interbull 2020 conference which was due to take place from June 08th to June 12th, 2020 in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, to another year
(27-March-2020) - A short note informing about ICAR and the statement on COVI-19 has been released
(20-March-2020) - Ceres Tag Pty Ltd (Australia) joined ICAR as a new Associate member
(17-March-2020) - From April 2020, René van der Linde joined the ICAR team as Technical Projects Coordinator
(11-March-2020) - VES Environmental Solutions Inc. (Chippewa Falls, WI, USA) joint ICAR as a new Associate Member
(26-Feb-2020) - The following milk analysers by FOSS (Fossomatic FC, MilkoScan FT plus, MilkoScan 6000) are Grandfathered exception certified by ICAR.
(21-Feb.-2020) - New certified (primary) reference material for somatic cell count by EU JRC have been luanched
(19-Feb.-2020) - Three new publications have been released:
– The 2nd edition of the ICAR Claw Health Atlas and its new Appendixes:
– Appendixes 1: Digital Dermatitis Stages (M-stages),
– Appendix 2: Digital Dermatitis-Associated Claw Horn Lesions
(31-Jan.-2020) - Three new Organisations joined ICAR as Full Members:
– Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Rural Development of Kosovo
– Skånesemin ek för, Sweden
– The Icelandic Agricultural Advisory Centre, Iceland
(29-Jan.-2020) - The Proceedings from Prague have been made available also as single manuscripts
(27-Jan. 2020) - The translation into Rumanian of the ICAR Claw Health Atlas has been published
(27-Jan.-2020) - The following technicians joined the Dairy Cattle Milk Recording Working Group as new members:
- Miel Hostens (Netherlands, U. Utrecht)
- Betka Logar (Slovenia)
- Sujit Saha (India)
- Alessia Tondo (Italy)
- Michelle Bratty (Australia)
- Efstratios Lales (Greece)
- Khalid Ahmed Elrabie Mohammed (Sudan)
- Aldemar González Rodríguez (Colombia)
- Emanuela Parlato (Italy)
- VIT, Vereinigte Informationssysteme Tierhaltung w.V. (Germany) has been re-accredited as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(15-Jan.-2020) - A vacancy for Technical Projects Coordinator is available within ICAR. More info here
(23-Dec.-2019) - The 2019 ICAR accreditation round of genetic laboratories for parentage verification by STR and SNP in cattle has been finalised. 12 world-wide laboratories have been granted
11-Dec.-2019) - The Proceedings of the 43rd ICAR Conference held in Prague (CZ) on 17-21 June have been published.
(10-Dec.-2019) - ICAR lanched the 2020 call for the Proficiency Test for milk laboratories.. Two rounds are scheduled. in March and in September
(5-Dec.-2019) - Pictures from the 1st Annual Meeting of the Smarter Project (Joint session, technical visit to sheep farm and technical visit to a goat farm) are now available
(02-Dic.-2019) - The second round (September 2019) of the 2019 of the ICAR Proficiency Test for milk laboratories has been finalised
(15-Oct.-2019) - Associazione Veneta Allevatori join ICAR as a new Associate Member
(13-Oct.-2019) - The ICAR Newsletter (September 2019) has been published. The main topics are:
– News from Prague Annual Conference
– News from ICAR Groups (Sub-Committees and Working Groups)
– ICAR and the Smarter Project
(10-Sept-2019) - During its last meeting on 30 July, the ICAR Board endorsed Matthew Shaffer as new President of the ICAR Interbull Sub-Committe and Brian Van Doormaal as its Vice-President. Gert Pedersen Aamand, Urs Schnyder and Gerben de Jong, are the new members of the Interbull SC, while Valentina Palaucci has been nominated new member of the Animal Identification Sub-Committee
(5-August-2019) - Ruralbit Lda. (Portugal) joined ICAR as a new ICAR Associate Member
(17-July-2019) - France Génétique Elevage and Slovak Breeding Services (PSSR) s.e. have renewed the Certificate of Quality
(17-July-2019) - New release of an ICAR publication “Yearly survey on milk recording systems (2016, 2017 and 2018) in ICAR member countries for cows, sheep and goats“
(10-July-2019) - Abstracts, presentations and pictures from the ICAR 2019 Conference (Prague, 17-21 June) have been made available
(1-July-2019) - At the ICAR Conference held in Prague, Matthew Shaffer replaced Reinhard Reents as Chair of the ICAR Interbull Sub-Committee
(25-June-2019) - The Croatian Agricultural Agency has renewed its Certificate of Quality following an audit visit
(4-June-2019) - The Rumanian Association of the Aberdeen Angus (Asociatia Aberdeen Angus Romania) (Rumania) joined ICAR as a new ICAR Members
(29-May-2019) - ICAR is among the 27 Partners of the SMARTER EU Project that collaborate to develop and deploy strategies to improve Resilience and Efficiency (R&E) related traits in sheep and goats.
(27-May-2019) - Växa Sverige (Sweden) and FABA (Finland) have been granted as an ICAR DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(23-May-2019) - Agranis (France) and Leader Products (Australia) joined ICAR as new ICAR Associate Members
(23-May-2019) - ICAR completed its Proficiency Test (PT) for milk laboratories (round: March 2019). 53 world-wide laboratories participated to the Reference and to the Routine PT.
(29-April-2019) - JoinData, joined ICAR as a new Associate Member
(26-April-2019) - ICAR Board endorsed the nomination of Oscar Wenzel (Cooprinsem) to become a member of the ICAR Milk Analysis Sub-Committee.
- (8-April-2019)
- Y-Tex Corporation (85331 Cave Creek, USA) joined ICAR as a new ICAR Associate Member
(03-April-2019) - ICAR Guidelines have been updated with the new section for the Breed Associations (Section 18) and with the updated version of the Certificate of Quality (Section 8)
(2-April-2019) - The ICAR Board endorsed Kirsi Leppikorpi from Proagria (Finland) as a new member of the Recording and Sampling Devices Sub-Committee
(2-April-2019) - The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB), USA, has been granted as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(27-March-2019) - The PDF files of the presentations to “Analytica 2019″ and the pictures taken during the meeting have been made available on the site
(26-March-2019) - Five ICAR Members, namely
– Agricultural Research Council (ARC), South Africa;
– Eesti Pöllumajanusloomade Jöudluskontroll (EPJ), Estonia;
– Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF), Ireland;
– South African Stud Book and Animal Improvement Association, South Africa;
– Zentrale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ősterreichisher Rinderzüchter (ZAR), Austria;
have been renewed for their Certificate of Quality following an audit visit
(25-March-2019) - Plastifran B.V. (The Netherlands) Tarashe Pardaze Pooya & Hadid Sanate Khavaran (Iran) and Ztown Development (Kazakhstan) joined ICAR as new Associate Members
(07-March-2019) - The National Research Institute of Animal Production in Kracow, Department of Cattle Breeding has been granted as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(30-Jan.-2019) - Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Bovini di Razza Pezzata Rossa Italiana (ANAPRI), Libro Genealogico e Valutazioni Genetiche has been granted as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(30-Jan.-2019) - The Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania is a new ICAR Member while MIMIRO AS (Norway) is a new Associate Member
(24-Jan.-2019) - The ICAR Board endorsed Adrion Felix, Agroscope, Switzerland, as a new member of the Recording and Sampling Devices Sub-Committee
(24-Jan.-2019) - The ICAR Board endorsed the new Terms of Reference for the Breed Associations Working Group
(23-Jan.-2019) - The site of the ICAR Conference 2019 in Prague now contains the “Call for Abstracts, the Registration form and the Preliminary Scientific Programme. Info here
- Christian Riede is the new member of the ICAR Milk Analysis Sub-Committee
(10-Jan. 2019) - Valley Agricultural Software (VAS), joined ICAR as new Associate Member.
(20-Dec-2018) - ICAR announces the organization of the ICAR Proficiency Test 2019. Two rounds will be carried out, in March and September 2019
(07-Dec.-2018) - Coöperative CRV ua, AEU, Animal Evaluation Unit has been granted as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(20-Nov.-2018) - The 2018 accreditation round of genetic laboratories for parentage testing by STR and SNP in cattle has been finalised. 14 laboratories, world-wide distributed, have been accredited
(19-Nov.-2018) - SEGES (DK) and Geno SA have been granted as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(15-Nov.-2018) - ICAR Guidelines have been added with the new Section 08 on the “Certificate of Quality” that has never been published before. It is totally a new section that enriches our Guidelines
(14-Nov.-2018) - Italian Breeders’ Association (AIA) has been granted with the renewal of the Certificate of Quality
(13-Nov.-2018) - ZuchtData EDV-Dienstleistungen Gmbh has been granted as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(13-Nov.-2018) - University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Dept. Animal Science has been granted with the renewal of the Certificate of Quality
(12-Nov.-2018) - The ICAR Recording and Sampling Devices Sub-Committee (RSD SC) met last week in Potsdam, Germany. During the meeting, the members focussed in several areas that are key to the ICAR processes of Guidelines, evaluation and certification of recording and sampling devices. The document on “Actions and Decisions” taken in Potsdam is available here
(12-Nov.-2018) - The Proficiency Test (Sept. 2018) and the Reports for the Reference and Routine methods for milk analysis laboratories have been finalised . The page contains the participating laboratories and example of the Reports (Reference and Routine analysis) is available here
(12-Nov.-2018) - Elsa Vasseur (McGill) and Marie Haskell (Scotland’s Rural College) are new members of the Functional Traits Working Group
(02-Nov.-2018) - The updated version of the Terms of Reference of the Certificate of Quality Working Group have been published in the page of the Group
(29-Oct.-2018) - Page & Pedersen International joined ICAR as Associate Member.
(26-Oct.-2018) - Weatherbys Scientific has been accredited as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(25-Oct.-2018) - Agricultural Data Centre (Latvia) has granted the renewal of the Certificate of Quality
(22-Oct.-2018) - The updated edition of the Section 07 of the ICAR Guidelines on “Bovine functional traits” as approved by the Members has been published in the site. It contains two new sections on “Udder health in dairy cattle” and on the “Claw Health”
(18-Oct.-2018) - The updated edition of the Section 01 of the ICAR Guidelines (“General rules”) approved by the Members has been published
(16-Oct. 2018) - The Maebashi Institute of Animal Science and the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty have been accredited as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(11-Oct.-2018) - Canadian Dairy Network (CDN) has been accredited as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(24-Sept.-2018) - The site contains a new page for the ICAR Technical Series (Proceedings and Publications) where all the conributions are available as single files instead of downloading the whole issue
(13-Sept. 2018) - Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) has been accredited as DNA Data Interpretation Centre
(16-August-2018) - Rådgivarna I Sjuharad (Sweden) joined ICAR as Full Member
(25-July-2018) - Michel Grisé (Valacta) joined the Milk Analysis Sub-Committee as new Member
(25-July-2018) - BouMatic Gascoigne Melotte Sprl (Belgium) join ICAR as Associate Member
(17-July-2018) - The Proceedings from the 42nd ICAR Conference held in Feb. 2018 in Auckland (NZ) have been published
(6-July-2018) - Launch of the accreditation round for 2018 for the genetic laboratories for the parentage testing by STR and SNP in cattle
(20-June-2018) - Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije), Animal Production Department has been accredited as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(14-June-2018) - Georg August Universitaet, Institute of Veterinary Medicine has been accredited as DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(29-May-2018) - The firts milk analysers manufactured by Delta Instruments (Combiscope FTIR 600 Hp, Somascope LFC 600 Hp and Lactoscope FTIR 600 Hp) have been certified by ICAR according to the Grandfathered Exception
(25-May-2018) - The updated list of SNP approved by ICAR for Parentage Verification and Exchange in GenoEx-PSE has been published
(24-May-2018) - ICAR implemented the GDPR and a specific page for the protection of personal data and the commitment to privacy has been published
(22-May-2018) - Shanghai Yutai Information Technology Co. Ltd joined ICAR as Associate member
(17-May-2018) - The results of the ICAR Proficiency test for milk laboratories (Reference and Routine method) have been published
(7-May-2018) - The ICAR Newsletter (April 2018) has been published. The main topics are:
– News from the ICAR Conference held in Auckland
– News from the ICAR Groups
– Launch of ICAR Accreditation for DNA Data Interpretation Centres
(19-April-2018) - New accreditation as DNA Data Interpretation Centres has been granted to Qualitas AG (Switzerland)
(10-April-2018) - Neogen joint ICAR as Associate Member
(28-March-2018) - The page listing the ICAR Certified milk meters is now based on a database, making the page searcheble and interactive
(27-March-2018) - The new Statutes approved in February 2018 in Auckland have been published
(8-March-2018) - New accreditations as DNA Data Interpretation Centres have been granted to:
– ANAFI (Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Frisona Italiana) and
– ANARB (Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Razza Bruna)
(05-March-2018) - The presentations and the pictures taken at the ICAR Conference held in Auckland (7-11 February, 2018) have been published
(19-Feb-2018) - Two new Board members have been eleted in Auckland (NZ): Antonio Martins (ANABLE, Portugal) and Frido Hamoen (CRV, The Netherlands)
(12-Feb.-2018) - The new organisations joined ICAR as full Member: Agricultural Busness Research Institute (Armidale, Australia) and Latvian Holstein Association (Valmiera, Latvia)
(12-Feb.-2018) - Straw markings in seven selected countries are now available in the Artificial Insemination & RT Working group page
29-Jan. 2018 - Call, procedures and information to join the ICAR Proficiency Test for milk laboratories in 2018 (March and Septermber) are now available
(20-Jan.-2018) - The Proceedings of the ICAR 2017 Conference held on 14-16 June in Edinburgh (UK) have been published as ICAR Technical Series no. 22 (ISSN: 1563-2504; ISBN: 92-95014-18-9)
(11-Jan.-2018) - The new ICAR Certification on the Milk Analysers has been enforced and the first two milk analysers have been certified (Grandfathered Exemption). The page is available here.
(8-Jan.-2018) - The implementation of the first part of two new DNA-based services has been achieved by certifying the first laboratory (VIT) by the the Parentage Analysis Accreditation for DNA Data Interpretation Centres.
(19-Dec.-2017) - Positions in the ICAR Board are up for renewal. The election will be held during the next ICAR General Assembly in Auckland, New Zealand, on Saturday the 10th February 2018
(10-Dec.-2017) - The accreditation round for genetic laboratories for parentage testing by STR and SNP has been finalised. The list of laboratories who granted the ICAR accreditation has been published
(14-Nov.-2017) - The Proficiency Test (Sept. 2017) and the Reports for the Reference and Routine methods for milk analysis laboratories have been finalised . The page contains the participating laboratories and example of the Reports (Reference and Routine analysis)
(14-Nov.-2017) - The translations of the ICAR Claw Health Atlas into Czech has been added to the site
(16-Oct.-2017) - As a consequence of the re-formatting, the page containing the ICAR Guidelines has been published
(9-Oct.-2017) - The poster of the ICAR Claw Health Atlas into Spanish and Polish have been added to the site
(1-Oct.-2017) - The ICAR Newsletter (September 2017) has been published. The main topics are:
– A word from the President
– News from the ICAR Conference held in Edinburgh
– News from the ICAR Groups
– Next ICAR Conferences in 2018 and 2019
(27-Sept.-2017) - Files presented at the Udder Health Meeting, Edinburgh, June 2017. The meeting was organised by the ICAR Functional Traits WG
(27-Aug.-2017) - Call for applications/nominations for new member of Animal Data Exchange Working Group. The position description for the role of an ADE WG member can be found here.
(28-June-2017) - The ICAR Awards presented at the Edinburg Conference (June 2017) have been published in the web
(26-6-2017) - The presentations and the pictures taken at the 41st ICAR Conference held in Edinburgh (UK) on 14-16 June 2017 have been made available for free downloading
(22-June-2017) - The new ICAR Statutes and By-Laws, approved by the General Assembly in Edinburgh, have been made available in the site
(21-June-2017) - Information about the IDF/ICAR project on somatic cell counting have been published with a video providing details about the project
(25-05-2017) - Franz Josef Auer and Danuta Radzio joined the Dairy Cattle Milk Recording WG as new Members
(22-05-2017) - The ICAR technical Series no. 21, containing the Proceedings of the 40th Biennial Session held in Puerto Varas (Chile) from 20 to 24 October, have been published
(17-May-2017) - The ICAR Proficiency Test for the reference and routine milk laboratories March 2017) has been finalised . The reports of the Proficiency Test are available here
(5-May-2017) - The translation into Estonian of the ICAR Claw Health Atlas has been published
(13-Apr.-2017) - Call for a new member of the Dairy Cattle Milk Recording Working Group
(13-Apr.-2017) - Amendments to the ICAR Recording Guidelines to be approved by the General Assembly at the 41 ICAR Conference in Edinburgh
(5-April-2017) - The new issue of the ICAR Newsletter (April 2017) has been published
(3-April-2017) - New ICAR certification for the milk analysers
(10-March-2017) - Registration and Call for Abstracts for the 41st ICAR Conference are open
(9-March-2017) - Files presented at the InterBeef Working Group meeting held in Puerto Varas (Chile) on 24-28 October 2016 are available
(8-March-2017) - Cattle Information Services, France Génétique Elevage and SEGES / RYK have been granted with the Certificate of Quality in their respective fields
(21-Feb.-2017) - InterPulse joined ICAR as an Associate Member
(20-Feb.-2017) - New publication: Yearly survey on milk recording systems (Years 2014 and 2015) in ICAR member countries for cow, sheep and goats
(30-Jan.-2017) - Results of the ICAR Proficiency Test for milk laboratories on new parameters ((PAG, BHB and DNA microrganisms) have been published with the Report produced for this round
(13.-Jan.-2017) - The ICAR round for the accreditation of genetic laboratories for parentage verification by STRs and SNPs in cattle has been finalised.
(27-Dec.-2016) - The new issue of the ICAR Newsletter (December 2016) has been published both in English and in Spanish
(16-Dec.-2016) - ICAR announces the 2017 programme for the Proficiency test for milk laboratories. Information, form and details are available here
(8-Dec.-2016) - The Awards delivered during the Puerto Varas 40th Biennial Session have been published on the website
(2-Dec.-2016) - A press release on the EuroTier 2016 and the presentation of the ICAR Claw Health Atlas and its posters in English and German produced by the ICAR Functional Traits WG has been published
(31-Nov-2016) - Pictures from the Puerto Varas Meeting have been published
(27-Nov-2016) - A page with the procedure for the field validation of ID devices has been added
(19-Nov.-2016) - The Abstracts and the presentations of the 40th ICAR Biennial Session in Puerto Varas (Chile) 24-28 October have been published
(28-Oct.-2016) - Daniel Lefebvre elected as new ICAR Board Member and replaced Marco Winters
(28-Oct.-2016) - Launch of two new DNA-based services
1. – Parentage SNP Exchange (“GenoEx-PSE”): a service for exchanging standardized sets of SNP for genotyped animals to facilitate parentage analysis activities.
2. – A service for Accreditation of DNA Data Interpretation Centres.
(17-October-2017) - The ICAR Proficiency Test for the reference and routine milk laboratories (September 2016) has been finalised . The reports of the Proficiency Test are available here
(10-Oct.-2016) - The ICAR Brand strategy has one more step accomplished by the development of the new web site.
For more details about the ICAR Brand Strategy, please read the ICAR Newsletter published in August, a special issue on this relevant issue
(30-September-2016) - The new issue of the ICAR Newsletter (October 2016) has been published
(30-Sept.-2016) - Beef and Lamb New Zealand Genetics joined ICAR as a Full Member
(27-Sept.-2016) - The Special issue of ICAR Newsletter published in August 2016 on the ICAR Brand has been published
(15-Sept.-2016) - The call for two vacancies in the ICAR Board to be filled in Puerto Varas (2016) has been published
(31-Aug-2016) - The South African Studbook and Animal Improvement Association has been granted with the Certificate of Quality
(12-Aug.-2016) - The second 2016 ICAR Proficiency Test for milk laboratories (September 2016) has been launched
(10-Aug.-2016) - Some historic issue of the ICAR Newsletter (1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998) and Interbull Newsletter (1996) have been published
(5-August-2016) - The Survey on the World Trends in Milk Recording (translations into Russian, Hebrew, Finnish, Polish and Czech) has been published
(29-July-2016) - Astrid Koeck and Xavier Bourrigan (that replaces Helen Leclerc) joined the Dairy Cattle Milk Recording Working Group
(25-July-2016) - Call for positions (Chair and Members) in the ICAR Global Reach Working Group
(29-June-2016) - The “Periodic checking of approved meters. Hints for the sample taker and farmer” have been updated and made available here
(23-June-2016) - New application forms, questionnaires and templates have been made available within the Certificate of Quality page for the visited audit and the consultative review
(21-June-2016) - Call for Application/Nomination of the Chair of the Animal Identification Sub-Committee. The call, the position description and the ToR are available here
(13-June-2016) - The Dairy Cattle Research Centre of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences (China) joined ICAR as Full Member
(28-May-2016) - ICAR launched the call for laboratories accreditation for “STRs and SNPs based parentage testing in cattle” for the year 2016. Deadline for receiving the applications is 5 September 2016
(23-May-2015) - The reports of the ICAR Proficiency Test (March 2016) for the reference and routine milk laboratories have been published here
(2-May-2016) - The minutes and the presentations from the Interbeef WG held in Salzburg (Austria) on 8-9 March have been made available
(30-April-2016) - Fourteen translations of the ICAR Claw Atlas have been made available.
(7-April-2016) - The ICAR Guidelines (Edition 2016) have been published
(21-March-2016) - All the forms for applying to test an electronic identification device have been redesigned
(17-March-2016) - The list of the National Competent Authorities in animal identification has been updated
(14-March-20106) - In the day of the 65th Anniversary of the creation of our Organisation, the ICAR Newsletter (March 2016) has been published
(9-March-2016) - SAIT, Calgary, Canada, (Robert Davies) is the new certifying laboratory performing the “Conformance and Performance” tests for the RFIDs
(2-March-2016) - The Member area for ICAR Members has been arranged in order to collect:
– a profile of the Organisation and the contact points for the various activities,
– the confidential data used to prepare the contribution and
– the three on-line databases for cow, sheep and goats surveys for milk recording
(1-March-2016) - ICAR is pleased to announce the organization of the ICAR Milk Laboratories Proficiency Test 2016.
(23-Feb.-2016) - A form to simulate the ICAR membership fee has been produced
(16-Feb. 2016) - The videos of the speeches had on 14-16 April 2015 in Pretoria (South Africa) at the African Symposium on “Animal identification and recording (AIR) systems for traceability and livestock development in sub-Saharan Africa” have been made available here
(05-Feb.-2016) - The University of Novi Sad Agricultural Faculty Dept. Animal Science has been granted with the ICAR Certificate of Quality for the “Laboratory services in milk analysis”
(02-Feb.-2016) - The genetic laboratories that have been ICAR granted for parentage verification by STRs and SNPs have been published. The complete list is available here
(02-Feb.-2016) - Since 31 December 2015, Piramida 777 (Kazakhstan) is no more an ICAR Associate Member
(22-Jan.-2016) - The Proceedings from the technical meeting held in Krakow in June 2015 have been published in the ICAR Technical Series
(23-Dec.-2015) - The new ICAR Guidelines, approved by the General Assembly held in Berlin, Germany, in May 2014 are now available (about 8.1 Mb)
(12-Dec.-2014) - A meeting of the Interbeef Working Group has been announced in Sualzburg on 8-9 March 2016
(22-Dec.-2015) - Shearwell Data Ltd. (UK) joined ICAR as Associate Member
(18-Dec.-2015) - ICAR Newsletter December 2015
(11-Dec.-2015) - After 15 years, the website has been submitted to a complete restyle, moving from html language to the CMS technology (5- Dec.-2015)
- The ICAR Executive Team joined the RSD SC in expressing appreciation to Manfred Hammel (LKV Brandenburg e.V.,Germany) for his many years of service to the RSD SC
(3-Dec.-2015) - Hubert Rothfoss (MKV Elbe-Weser, Germany), Justin Frankfort (NMR, United Kingdom) and Snorri Sigurdsson (SEGES, Denmark) are new members of the RSD SC.
(1-Dec.2015) - The “Sistema Nacional Información Ganadera” (SNIG) join ICAR as Full Member
(28-Oct.-2015) - Minutes of the joint meeting of the ICAR Working Groups on “Performance recording of dairy sheep” and “Goats performance recording”
(21-Oct.-2015) - The “Sheep and goat breeders central association of Turkey” join ICAR as Full Member
(3-Oct.-2015) - The web page of the Interbeef WG has been updated with the minutes of the meetings of the WG and of the Technical Committee, held in Krakow (June 2015). Presentations held in Krakow have also been added
(15-Sept.-2015) - Leaflet informing about the French bovine semen collection centers (SCC) that have implemented a new system based on bar coding to identify and trace bovine semen straws
(11-Sept.-2015) - The Parentage Recording Working Group proposes the following amendments to Section 4.2 and 4.3 of the Recording Guidelines. The file is available here.
(9-Sept.-2015) - Silvia Orlandini joined ICAR as consultant fcro the Milk Analysis Sub-Committee
(1-Sept.-2015) - Justin Frankfort, from NMR, has been appointed as a new member of the Recording and Sampling Devices Sub-Committee
(10-Aug.-2015) - The Breeding Services of the Slovak Republic has been granted with the Certificate of Quality in its field of action
(31-July-2015) - The following Organisations join ICAR as Associate Members
– BIXSCO Inc. (Canada)
– DigiDelta Software, Analise e Programaçao Uniperssoal, Lda. (Portugal)
– Intelligent Systems of Business Control Ltd. (Russia)
(23-July-2015) - ICAR acknowledges Charl Hunlun and Matthew Shaffer that left the Parentage Recording Working Group for other duties within ICAR
(20-July-2015) - The page of the newly created Feed and Gas Working Group has been published
(9-July-2015) - The Dairy Cattle Milk Recording Working Group added three files to the website:
World-Wide Trends in Milk-Recording in Cattle
World Trends in Milk Recording Management and Organization final
New Technologies and Milk Recording
(7-July-2015) - ICAR Newsletter July 2015
(6-7-2015) - Confidentiality of Reports about tested devices
Over the past few months, ICAR has received a number of manufacturer queries about the ICAR tests conducted on the products supplied by other manufacturers.
The ICAR Guidelines indicate the test results are confidential to the manufacturer who submitted the relevant device for testing. After discussion between the ICAR administration team and the Sub-Committee for Animal Identification, ICAR will only issue statements regarding specific detail about a manufacturer’s product to the specific manufacturer of that product. Should information be sought about any detail not listed on the ICAR website, then the manufacturer of that product should be queried directly
(6-July-2015) - New Members of the ICAR Milk Analysis Sub-Committee
Frederic Dehareng – Belgium
Claudia Falch – South Africa
Amel Guellouz – Tunisia
Luis Benito Jaureguiberry – Argentina
Elzbieta Rybicka – Poland
Dena Snidall – UK
(6-July-2015) - ICAR Awards in 2015, given during the ICAR Technical Meeting held in Krakow (Poland)
(3-July-2015) - The Interbull Steering Committee and ICAR announce the engagement of Mr. Toine Roozen as the new Interbull Centre Director
(01-July-2015) - According to the new Statutes approved in Krakow, the following Associations are no more ICAR Associate Member:
– Royaltag (Switzerland)
– Hadid Sanat Khavaran Ltd (Iran),
– TarazPolyHim Ltd. (Kazakhstan),
– Association of Manufacturers of Livestock Products (Uzbekistan),
– Genetic Identification – GID (Greece)
(1-July-2015) - The last version of ICAR Statutes approved in 2015 in Krakow
(22-June-2015) - The last version of ICAR By-Laws approved in 2015 in Krakow
(22-June-2015) - The Dairy Cattle Improvement Centre (South Korea) joined ICAR as Full Member
(16-June-2015) - The ICAR Claw Health Atlas is available here
(10-June-2015) - The files presented at the Krakow Technical Meeting are available
(10-June-2015) - The Association Wallone de l’Elevage (Belgium), CONVIS (Luxembourg), CRV B.V. (The Netherlands), Deltamune Ltd. (South Africa), State animal breeding supervision service (Lithuania), TINE BA (Norway) have been granted with the Certificate of Quality in their field of action
(30-May-2015) - Since December 2014, “KazPoliPlast Ltd.” and “Associazione Italiana Liberi Allevatori” are no more ICAR Associate Members
(25-May-2015) - The amendments to the Recording Guidelines proposed for approval by the General Assembly in Krakow
(21-May-2015) - The pictures and posters presented at the FAO-ICAR Symposium on Animal Identification and Recording (Pretoria, 14-16 April 2015) have been made available
(14-May-2015) - From May 2015, Steven J. Sievert is the new Chairperson of the ICAR Recording Devices Sub-Committee
(12-May-2015) - ICAR Newsletter (May 2015)
(30-April-2015) - The files presented at the FAO-ICAR Symposium (Pretoria, 14-16 April 2015) have been made available here
(25-04-2015) - The “Recording Devices Sub-Committee” changed its name into “Recording and Sampling Devices Sub-Committee”
(20-04-2015) - The list of the “National Competent Authorities, model of passport, eartags and holding register in EU countries” is available here
(26-March-2015) - Call for two positions in the ICAR Board.
(23-March-2015) - Three new organisations joined ICAR:
– Russian Research Institute of Farm Animal Genetics and Breeding (as Full member)
– MilkTestNZ (as Full Member)
– Waikato Milking Systems LP (as Associate Member)
(9-March-2015) - The previous “ICAR Animal Welfare Recording Working Group” has been renamed into “ICAR Animal Care Recording Working Group”
(3-March-2015) - Gavin Scott (Tru-Test Ltd., New Zealand) is the new Chairperson of the ICAR Milk Analysis Sub-Committee
(28-Feb-2015) - The Danish ICAR Member “Knowledge Centre for Agriculture” changed its name into “SEGES”
(12-Feb. 2015) - ICAR Newsletter February 2015
(6-Feb-2015) - Martin Burke appointed as ICAR Chief Executive
(4-Feb.-2014) - AgTags Limited (New Zealand) has join ICAR as “Associate Member”
(30-Jan.-2015) - The ICAR Member “Estonian Animal Recording Centre” (Estonia) changed its name into “Eesti Pollumajandusloomade Joudluskontrolli AS”
(21-Jan.-2015) - Zee Tags Ltd. (New Zealand) is no more an ICAR Associated Member as Zee Tags is now part of Datamars SA group who is already ICAR Associate Member’
(20-Jan.-2015) - The new pages, containing the ICAR Certified RFID (here) and the ICAR registered RFID (here) have been published. These pages replace the previous page containing the ICAR approved RFID devices
(16-Jan.-2015) - ICAR Newsletter December 2014
(19-Dec.-2014) - The Minutes of the InterBeef WG meetings (Technical Group – Working Group) have been made available
(12-Dec.-2014) - Deltamune Pty Ltd (South Africa) is Full Member of ICAR
(9-Dec.-2014) - A new page on the ICAR Accuracy Task Force containing the composition and its Terms of Reference has been published
(4-Dec.-2014) - The files presented at the ICAR/InterBeef Workshop (25-26 November, Dublin, Ireland) have been published
(3-Dec.-2014) - Key points of Service-ICAR’s new Testing and Certification Procedures for Animal Identification Devices
(30 Nov. 2014) - In the last ICAR Board Meeting (Rome, November 2014), two new members were accepted as new ICAR Members: University of Novi Sad, Agricultural Faculty (Serbia) and Dairy NZ (New Zealand)
(21-11-2014) - The “Animal Breeding and Improvement of Animal Production” (Iran) re-join ICAR as Member Organisation
(1 October 2014) - Communication by the ICAR Acting Secretary General
(25 Sept. 2014) - The original document about the creation of ICAR on 5-9 March, 1951, (original document in French) available here. The historic frame about milk recording is available here
(16-Sept.-2014) - The announcement of the upcoming ICAR/Interbeef Genomics Workshop (Dublin, Ireland) scheduled on 25 and 26 November 2014 has been made available
(18-August-2014) - Pavel Bucek is the new Chairperson for the Dairy Cattle Milk Recording Working Group while Andrew Cromie is the new Chairperson for InterBeef Working Group, replacing Hans Wilmink and Brian Wickham, respectively
- Felixcan SL and Deltamune Pty Ltd. join ICAR as a new Associate Member
(4-August-2014) - Wageningen UR Livestock Research (WLR) join ICAR as a new Associate Member
(18-July-2014) - The following ICAR Member Organisation granted the Certificate of Quality in their field of action:
– Czech Moravian Breeders’ Corporation Inc
– Holstein UK
– Slovak Breeding Services
– Växa Sverige
(16-July-2014) - Since July 2014, Compass Animal Health Inc. is no more an ICAR Associate Member
(16-July-2014) - Two vacancies at the Interbull Centre as Interbull Centre Director and Interbull Centre Geneticist have been announced
(16-July-2014) - A Communication from Acting Secretary General (15-July-2014) of the first undertaken actions is available here
(16-July-2014) - The ICAR Awards given at the 39th ICAR Biennial Session (Berlin, May 2014) have been added to the site
(26-June-2014) - ICAR Board appoints Brian Wickham as Acting Secretary General following the resignation of Andrea Rosati. ICAR’s Rome based office staff to move to new facility.
Full announcement here.
(18-June-2014) - The announcement of an International Conference on “Key Principles of Creation of National Systems of Identification and Traceability of Farm Livestock” (Moscow, 26-27 June 2014) has been announced on the web
(17-June-2014) - The Reports of the Sub-Committees and Working Groups presented at the 39th ICAR Biennial Session are available here
(17-June-2014) - Genetic laboratories accredited in by ICAR in 2014 for “SNP based parentage testing” in cattle and/or “STR based parentage testing” in cattle
(16-June-2014) - Files presented at the Meeting of the Functional Traits Working Group on claw health, held in Berlin 2014
(13-June-2014) - Andrea Rosati resignes as ICAR Secretary General
(10-June-2014) - The acknowledgments to Chairpersons of the Sub-Committees and Working Groups
(7-June-2014) - The new ICAR Board following the 39th ICAR Berlin Session
(3-June-2014) - The ICAR Newsletter (June 2014) has been published
(2-June-2014) - Pictures taken at the 39th ICAR Biennial Session (Berlin 2014) have been published
(31-May-2014) - The publication of the surveys on “Milk recording data” for the years 2012-2013 for Cow, Sheep and Goats have been published on the web
(30-May-2014) - The i4 Newsletters produced at the 39th ICAR Biennial Session has been made available on the site
(28-May-2014) - The files presented at the 39th ICAR Biennial Session have been published on the web
(26-May-2014) - DESCO – Programa Regional Sur, Calle Málaga Grenet No 678. Arequipa, Peru join again ICAR as a “Full member”
(15-May-2014) - A page on Central key for health data recording, produced by the Functional Traits WG has been added
(8-May-2014) - The Greek Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Production Service (Greece) is no more an ICAR Member
(2-April-2014) - National Livestock Identification System Ltd (Australia) joined ICAR as new full member
(28-March-2014) - Uffe Lauritsen (President of ICAR) earns National DHIA leadership award
(26-March-2014) - Board position description for Board Member recruitment
(7-March-2013) - The Swiss Brown Cattle Breeders’ Federation (Braunvieh Schweiz), the Swissherdbook cooperative Zollikofen (Swissherdbook), the Holstein Association of Switzerland (FSHo) and the Swiss Beef Cattle Association (Mutterkuh Schweiz) have been granted with the Certificate of Quality in their field of action:
(5-Feb.-2014) - Two new organisations joined ICAR as Full Members
– EMBRAPA Gado de Leite (Brazil)
– Ministry of Agriculture (Lebanon)
(15-Jan.-2014) - The submission process of data to the Goat Enquiry has been repaired and submission/editing of new data is now possible again
(14-Jan.-2014) - Since 1 January 2014, the following two Organisations are no more ICAR Members
– Animal Breeding and Improvement of Animal Production of Iran (Tehran, Iran) and
– Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo – DESCO (Arequipa, Peru)
(13-Jan.-2014) - ICAR Newsletter December 2013
(20-Dec.-2013) - The following ICAR Member Organisation granted the Certificate of Quality in their field of action:
– Agricultural Research Council (South Africa)
– Cattle Information System
– Croatian Agricultural Agency
– France Génétique Elevage
– Irish Cattle Breeders’ Federation (ICBF)
– Knowledge Centre for Agriculture (RYK)
– Scottish Agricultural College (SAC/EGENES)
(19-Dec.-2013) - Three new organisations joined ICAR as Full Members:
– Shanghan Dairy Breeding Centre Co.Ltd. (China)
– Romanian Holstein Breeders’ Association (Romania)
– Chovatelské druzstvo Impuls (Breeding Cooperative Impuls) (Czech Republic)
(5-Dec.-2013) - The Terms of Reference of the Developing Countries Working Group, approved by the ICAR Board held in Rome on 23-24 November 2013, are available here
(26-Nov-2013) - The page of the Animal Welfare Recording WG has been published
(16-Nov.-2013) - ICAR Technical Series no. 17. Challenges and benefits of health data recording in the context of food chain quality, management and breeding. Proceedings of the ICAR Conference held in Aarhus, Denmark, 30-31 May 2013. (ISSN: 1563-2504; ISBN: 92-95014-13-8)
(11-Nov.-2013) - DNA LandMarks (Canada) has been granted as ICAR laboratories 2013 for parentage testing in cattle (“SNP based parentage testing”)
(8-Nov.-2013) - The following ICAR Member Organisation granted the Certificate of Quality in their field of action:
– Agricultural Date Centre (Latvia)
– Italian Breeders’ Association (Italy)
– Czech Moravian Breeders’ Corp (Czeck Rep.)
– Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers (Poland)
– The Breeding Services of the Slovak Republic (Slovak Rep.)
(5-Nov-2013) - ICAR Technical Series no. 16. International Strategies and New Developments in Milk Analysis – VIth ICAR Reference Laboratory Network Meeting. Proceedings of the ICAR Meeting held in Cork, Ireland, 28 May 2012.
(21-October-2013) - Confidex is no more an ICAR Associated Member
(11-Oct.-2013) - The draft ICAR Guidelines for recording, evaluation and genetic improvement of female fertility in dairy cattle have been have been published. The text can be amended/corrected by ICAR Members by Monday 11 November 2013
(7-October-2013) - FEAGAS (Federación Española de Asociaciones de Ganado Selecto – Spanish Federation of the Selected Livestock Associations) replaces Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Subdirección General de Medios de Producción Ganaderos, as ICAR Member
(18-Sept.-2013) - Updated documents and instructions for the Certificate of Quality have been published
(6-Sept.-2013) - Rezare Systems Ltd. (New Zealand) join ICAR as Associate Member
23-Aug.-2013 - The ICAR Statutes approved by the General Assembly held in Aarhus, Denmark, on June 2013 are available in English.
(13-August-2013) - The Principles for ICAR action on suspected misuse of approved ID devices have been published, as well as the form for “Product complaint data sheet” to report misuse of an ICAR code (click here)
(5-August-2013) - Lely International N.V., (The Netherlands) join ICAR as Associate Member
(16-July-2013) - After the decision taken in Aarhus, the Goat Milk Working Group has been renamed into Goat Performance Recording Working Group
(9-July-2013) - Te list of ICAR accredited laboratories 2013 for parentage testing in cattle (“SNP and STR based parentage testing”) has been published
(02-July-2013) - VIT, IT – Solutions for Animal Production – join ICAR as Full Member
(26-June-2013) - ProAgria and FABA, both ICAR Members, join into a new single organisation called ProAgria Group
(26-June-2013) - VIT w.V. has been granted with the “Certificate of Quality” for Genetic evaluation for dairy cattle
(26-June-2013) - New information added to the Dairy Cattle Milk Recording WG
(20-June-2013) - The page of the new ICAR task Force on “Breed Association” has been created and the first documents that define its Terms of Reference have been added
(19-June-2013) - PDF files of the presentations held in Aarhus and pictures of the 2013 Technical Meeting have been added
(10-June-2013) - The site contains the 2013 Awards given during the Aarhus Technical Meeting
(5-June-2013) - Animal identification and recording systems for traceability and livestock development in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Proceedings of the ICAR/FAO Workshop held in Santiago, Chile, 5-7 December 2011, ICAR Technical Series no. 15
(23-May-2013) - CRV BV (The Netherlands) and the South African Stud Book and Livestock Improvement Association (South Africa)
have been granted with the Certificate of Quality
(20-May-2013) - The Guidelines on the “Periodic checking of approved meters. Hints for the sample taker and farmer” have been updated
(23-April-2013) - ICAR Newsletter April 2013
(18-April-2013) - The “Deutscher Verband für Leistungs-und Qualitätsprüfungen e.V. – German Association for Performance and Quality Testing – (DLQ)” has been granted with the Certificate of Quality
(05-April-2013) - Two files of the Goat Milk WG have been published on the web:
– Minutes from Goat Milk WG meeting held in Cork (Ireland) on 29 May2012
– Report of the Goat Milk WG meeting held in Cork (Ireland) May 2012
(02-April-2013) - The “Estonian Animal Recording Centre” has been granted with the Certificate of Quality
(28-March-2013) - ICAR Newsletter December 2012
(19-Dec.-2012) - Hadid Sanat Khavaran Ltd. (Iran) joined ICAR as “Associate Member”
(11-Dec.-2012) - The “Call for papers” for ICAR Technical Meeting to be held in Aarhus (29-31 May 2013) has been published
(10-Dec.-2012) - The procedure on how to submit devices used for the purposes of official milk recording for granting ICAR approval has been published
(6-Dec.-2012) - Association of ProAgria Centres renewed the CoQ in “Dairy cattle identification and dairy production recording”
(26-Nov-2012) - World Simmental-Fleckvieh Federation joined ICAR as “Full Member” while Compass Animal Health Inc. joined ICAR as “Associate Member”
(20-Nov.-2012) - ICAR accredited laboratories for 2012 for “SNP based parentage testing” in cattle accredited laboratory and/ or “STR based parentage testing” in cattle
(19-Nov.-2012) - Zee Tags Ltd. joined ICAR as “Associate Member”
(30-Oct.-2012) - A new version of the “Guidelines to join InterBeef International Genetic Evaluations” has been published
(24-Oct.-2012) - The Strategic Plan 2012-216 has been published on the web
(17-Oct.-2012) - The new Recording Guidelines (2012), approved by the General Assembly held in Cork (Ireland) in June 2012, have been made available on the web
(16-Oct.-2012) - “Sistema Nacional de Identificación Individual del Ganado en México (SINIIGA)” joined ICAR as “Full Member”
(16-Ocy.-2012) - Orion Machinery Co. Ltd. joined ICAR as “Associate Member”
(10-Sept.-2012) - MILKLINE s.r.l. joined ICAR as “Associate Member”
(07-Aug.-2012) - ICAR Discussion Forum has been re-opened
(13-July-2012) - ICAR Newsletter June 2012
(3-July-2012) - Results of the “Yearly enquiry on cow milk recording (2010-2011)” have been published
(24-06-2012) - The ICAR Awards given at the 38th ICAR Session have been published on the web: i.e.:
– President’s Award: Frank Armitage
– Distinguished Service Awards: Paolo Ajmone Marsan, Olivier Leray, Erling Strandberg
– Distinguished Certificate Award: Mark Adam, Moises Asparin, Fabrizio Castagnetti, Gerben De Jong, Eduardo Frank, Elena Genzini, Neil Petreny, Hans Wilminck
(22-June-2012) - Questionnaire on the survey on functional traits has been added in the Functional Traits WG
ICAR kindly ask you, to participate in this survey by downloading it, fill-in, save and e-mail it to by 30 September 2012
(19-June-2012) - The new ICAR Statutes approved in Cork (2012) have been published on the web
(17-June-2012) - Three ICAR Member Organisations have been granted with the Certificate of Quality i.e.:
– JSC Animal Recording Control (Lithuania),
– Israel Cattle Breeders’ Association (Israel) and
– National Milk Records plc (UK))
(6-June-2012) - All the files presented at the 38th ICAR Session (Cork, Ireland) have been made available on the site
(4-June-2012) - A series of amendments to the Guidelines from the Parentage Recording WG, are submitted for approval (Guidelines for supervision of parentage, Section Quality controls, Section 6.2.6 Parentage assessment)
(18-May-2012) - Section 3.1.5 – “Guidelines for sales and marketing (merchandising)” – is a new section proposed for inclusion into the Guidelines
(08-May-2012) - ICAR Newsletter May 2012
(4-May-2012) - The Animal Identification Sub-Committee is proposing some amendments to Section 10.7 and its Annexes on “Approval of official permanent identification devices. Part 1: conventional permanent plastic eartags with or without machine readable printing” has been proposed for amendments
(4-May-2012) - “Recording, Evaluation and Genetic Improvement of Health Traits”. A complete new Section proposed for approval by the Functional Traits Working Group
(20-Apr.-2012) - A new text on “Approval procedure for milk analysers in milk recording” has been published.
The same text is proposed for approval by the General assembly in Cork as part of the Recording Guidelines
(17-Apr.-2012) - Minutes of the meeting of the Milk Analysis Sub-Committee held in Lyon, France, on 22 May 2011 have been published
(17-Apr.-2012) - Proposed amendments to the General Assembly on the ICAR Recording Guidelines
– Section 11.6.2 (amendment proposed by Recording Devices Sub-Committee)
– Section Chest girth circumference as a predictor of growth (amendment proposed by Interbeef WG)
(04-April-2012) - ICAR Newsletter April 2012
(03-April-2012) - National Milk Records (NMR), UK, and Israel Cattle Breeders’ Association, Israel, have been granted with the CoQ
(03-March-2012) - Four new organisations join ICAR:
– Registros Genealógicos Zootécnicos del Perú , Peru (Full Member)
– Consejo Nacional de los Recursos Genéticos Pecuarios A.C. (CONARGEN A.C.), Mexico (Full Member)
– Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería, Acuacultura y Pesca – Subsecretaría de Ganadería, Ecuador (Full Member)
– Allflex Europe SAS, France (Associate Member)
(25-March-2012) - Amendments to the Recording Guidelines to be approved in Cork
(12-March-2012) - Three new organisations join ICAR:
– Confidex Ltd., Finland (Associate member)
– Datamars SA, Switzerland (Associate member)
– Executive Agency for Selection and Reproduction in Animal Breeding, Bulgaria (Full member)
(10-Feb.-2012) - Files presented at the FAO/FEPALE/ICAR Workshop on “Animal identification and recording systems for traceability and livestock development in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean”5-7 December 2011. Santiago (Chile)
(27-Dec-2011) - A message from ICAR President
(23-Dec.-2011) - ICAR Newsletter December 2011
(21-Dec.-2011) - Accredited laboratories for parentage testing for 2011
(29-Nov.-2011) - Papers to be presented at the Workshop in Santiago, Chile (“Animal identification and recording systems for traceability and livestock development in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean) have been added to the site
(28-Nov-2011) - ICAR certified “Permanent plastic eartags”
(10-Nov.-2011) - Analytical Brainstorming Workshop of the Milk Analysis SC held in Bourg-en-Bresse (France), 21 June 2011
(9-Sept.-2011) - Kazakhstan (Pyramid-protection of plants-777 Ltd.) join ICAR as “Associate Member”
(24-Aug-2011) - The site has been updated with the Awards given durig the Bourg-en-Bresse Meeting i.e.
President’s Award – Badi Besbes
Distinguished Service Awards – Filippo Miglior
Distinguished Certificate Award – Gerben De Jong, Mauro Fioretti, Zengting Liu, Sophie Mattalia, Larry Schaeffer and Paul VanRaden
(20-July-2011) - ICAR Newsletter July 2011
(17-July-2011) - ICAR has two new members:
the Association of Manufacturers of Livestock Products, Uzbekistan, as Associate Member and
the National Agency for Reproduction and Animal Breeding (ANARZ), Romania, as Full Member
(2-July-2011) - PDF Presentations, Posters and Photos of the ICAR Meeting held in Bourg-en-Bresse (France), 22-24 June 2011, have been published
(1-July-2011) - ICAR Newsletter June 2011
(30-May-2011) - The ICAR Guidelines developed after Riga Session have been made available on the website
(24- May-2011, file removed on 12-Jan. 2013) - The Moroccan Association “Association Nationale des Eleveurs de Bovins (ANEB)” join ICAR
(24-May-2011) - ICAR Newsletter May 2011
(12-May-2011) - Minutes of the Meeting of the Goat Milk WG held in Riga in June 2010 have been added to the page of the Goat Milk WG.
(26-April-2011) - The minutes and the slides of the presentations of the meeting held in Riga of the “Milk Recording in Dairy Sheep Working Group”, have been added to the site
(13-Feb.-2011) - New versions of the “Conditions and Guidelines” and the “Auditors’ Guide” relating to the ICAR Certificate of Quality have been published
(2-Feb-2011) - Three Organisations have been granted with the ICAR Certificate of Quality namely: RYK, Danish Agricultural Advisory Service (Denmark), Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (Ireland) and Polish Federation of Cattle Breeders and Dairy Farmers (Poland)
(29-Dec.-2010) - Five laboratories were accredited for parentage testing for the year 2010
(27-Dec.-2010) - ICAR Newsletter December 2010
(21-December-2010) - The ICAR Milk Analysis Sub-Committee made available on the web its Newsletter and the updated “List of laboratory members”
(21-12-2010) - Publication of the “Farm animal breeding, identification, production recording and management”. Proceedings of the 37th ICAR Biennial Session, Riga, Latvia 31 May – 4 June 2010, ICAR Technical Series no. 14
(27-Nov.-2010) - The “Search” command in the navigation page has been implemented with a more efficient engine. Please test it
(4-Nov-2010) - Report of the activities of the Milk Analysis SC presented at the 37th ICAR Session, Riga
(21-Oct-2010) - France Génétique Elevage, TINE BA and University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Dept. of Animal Science have been granted with the CoQ
(19-Aug-2010) - Next ICAR Meeting: Bourg-en-Bresse, France (22-24 June-2011).
Website here while flayer is here
(17-Aug-2010) - The Association Wallone de l’Elevage has been granted with the CoQ for Dairy cattle production recording
(June 2010) - The Czech Moravian Breeders’ Corporation Inc. (Czech Rep.) has been granted with the CoQ for Identification system and recording production in beef cattle
(15-June-2010) - PowerPoint files presented in Riga 37th Session have been published on the web
(7-June-2010) - The Croatian Agricultural Agency, the Swedish Dairy Federation and the Slovak Breeding Services, and have been granted with the Certificate of Quality
(24-May-2010) - ICAR Newsletter May 2010 has been published
(15 May 201) - CRV BV join ICAR as new Member
(10 May 2010) - New file containing “Conditions and Guidelines” relating to the ICAR Certificate of Quality and the Application form have been added
(16-Feb-2009) - A page about the new Working Group (called “Beef and Interbeef WG”) merging the previous WGs (Beef Performance WG and Interbeef WG) has been published
(11-Feb-2008) - Suzanne Harding replaces Dick Koorn as Chairman of the Parentage Recording Working Group
(Jan. 2010) - The Beef Recording Working Group prepared a specific Glossary
(27-Jan-2010) - Mongolia joint ICAR as new Member
(10-jan.-2010) - ICAR Newsletter December 2009
(17-Dec-2009) - 37th ICAR Session, Riga, Latvia (31 May – 4 June)
– Official website
– Call for Papers for ICAR Session (not for Interbull Meeting)
– Preliminary Programme
(14-Dec-2009) - Seven organisations granted the “Certificate of Quality”
– Agricultural Data Centre
– Deutscher Verband für Leistungs- und Qualitätsprüfungen e.V. (DLQ)
– Estonian Animal Recording Centre
– Laboratorium Oceny Mleka KCHZ Laboratorium Referencyjne z/s w Parzniewie (LOM KCHZ LR)
– VIT w.V.
– ZAR – Zentrale Arbeitsgemeinschaft österreichischer Rinderzüchter (LKV-Ausschuss)
(13-Nov-2009) - The Guidelines for the “Periodic checking of approved meters. Hints for the sample taker and farmer” have been up-dated
(11-Nov-2009) - ICAR Newsletter October 2009
(20 October 2009) - Five Organisations granted with the CoQ and have been added to the ICAR website, namely:
– Agricultural Research Council
– Cattle Information System
– Edinburgh Genetic Evaluation Services (EGENES)
– South African Studbook and Animal Improvement Association
– Italian Animal Breeders’ Association (AIA)
(24-Sept-2009) - The NEW ICAR Guidelines approved at Niagara Session are now available
(22-July-2009) - The persons awarded during the ICAR Meeting held in Poreč, Croatia were added to the web
(2-July-2009) - ICAR Newsletter July 2009.
(1-July-2009) - The synthesis of the ICAR Guidelines for Animal Identification. has been added to the site and the publication is available here
(15-June-2009) - The member composition of the SCs, WGs and TF has been updated, following Porec Meeting
(4-6-2009) - Porec May 2009, Technical Meeting.
The PDF files pf the presentations and the pictures of the meeting have been added
(25-May-2009) - ICAR Newsletter, May 2009, is now available
(19-May-2009) - The Results for the years 2006 and 2007 for the Yearly enquiry on the situation of cow milk recording in member countries have been published
(27-Feb-2009) - The page of the Genetic Analysis Working Group has been updated with the new accredited laboratories
(19-Feb-2009) - The page of Milk Analysis SC contains the updated list of reference laboratories, the Interlaboratory study programme 2009 and the Report of the 2006-2008 activities
(19-Feb-2009) - Royal Tag S.A. joint ICAR as Associate Member
(13-Feb-2009) - Proceedings Niagara Falls 36th Biennial Session (13Mb)
(12-Jan-2008) - New version (Jan 2009) for the Conditions and relating to the ICAR Certificate of Quality
(10-01-2009) - Interbull Terms of Reference
(10-Dec-2008) - Four new organisations joint ICAR
• ANABLE – Portugal;
• Animal Breeding and Improvement of Animal Production of Iran – Iran;
• SEIDIC S.A.- Switzerland;
(24-Nov-2008) - The Conformation Working Group developed its Terms of References and the Working Plan (After Niagara Meeting, June 2008)
(20-11-08) - ICAR Newsletter November 2008
(11-11-2008) - 26-29 January 2009. Interbull International Workshop on Genomic Information in Genetic Evaluations, Uppsala, Sweden
(23-Oct-2008) - Report of the Fourth meeting of ICAR Reference Laboratory Network (16 -20 June 2008, Niagara Falls, USA) has been published
(12-Sept-2008) - The manufacturer’ codes page has been created with an .asp database for allowing a more precise query
(18-08-08) - Two members have been granted with the Certificate of Quality
– National Milk Records (UK) for Bovine identification and production recording; and
– ICBA (Israel) for Bovine identification, production recording, laboratory and genetic evaluation
(10-August-08) - Joseph Crettenand (President’s Award)
Frank Armitage, Freddy Fikse, Alain Malafosse. Guido Ongaro (Distinguished Service Award) were awarded during the 36th Session in Niagara Falls
(10-Aug-08) - The new ICAR Statutes as approved by the General Assembly held in Niagara Falls, USA on 20 June 2008 are avialble for now only in English
(08-Aug.-08). The new By-laws are under preparation - ICAR Technical Series no. 8 “Development of Successful Animal Recording Systems for Transition and Developing Countries”, Interlaken, Switzerland, 27 May 2002, jointly organised with FAO-AGA, ICAR T.S. is available also in Arabic
(5-Aug.-08) - Pictures of Niagara Falls (ICAR 36th Session)
(1-July-2008) - ICAR Newsletter June 2008. It contains A word from the President; 36th ICAR biennial session; Proposals of the board for approval by the General Assembly; News from the ICAR governing bodies, Sub-Committees, Working Groups and Task Forces; Use of the ICAR logo ; Tagging of recording devices; International cooperation ; New associate members of ICAR; Icar certificate of quality – how to obtain it; Case of national milk recording; 2009 General Assembly and the workshop on management of animal recording and evaluation
(1-July-2008) - An interactive map of the ICAR member countries is available here
(11 June 2008) - The draft version of the Strategic Plan 2008-2012, to be presented in Niagara Falls Session is available here
(15-May-2008) - The Animal Fibre Task Force prepared new Guidelines for the Alpaca:
– Alpaca shearing management, fibre harvesting and grading
– Standards and on methods of alpaca identification
(9-April-2008) - The Invitation and the Programme for the 4th meeting of ICAR Reference Laboratory Network that will be held during the 36th ICAR Session in Niagara Falls are available
(2-April-2008) - New pages on Transceivers conforming to ISO11784/11785 have been added
– Synchronising transceivers
– Non-synchronising transceivers
(11 March 2008) - The Genetic Analysis Working Group is proposing the following corrections to the ICAR Guidelines:
-Rules and for accreditation of DNA parentage testing in cattle
– Annex 1 (Questionnaire parentage testing in cattle)
(11-March-2008) - The following are the proposed corrections to the Guidelines on Section 10
– Eartag Family
– Performance evaluation and approval of official permanent identification devices
– Performance evaluation and approval of official permanent identification devices
– Part 1: Conventional permanent plastic eartags (with or without machine readable printing)
– Performance evaluation and approval of official permanent identification devices
– Part 2: Electronic permanent plastic eartags (with or without machine readable printing)
(Feb-2008) - The programme for the Special sessions on Artificial Insemination planned for 19 at Niagara Falls ICAR Session is available here
(7-March-2008) - ICAR Newsletter – December 2007
(24-Dc-2007) - Minutes of the Meeting of the Working Group on Artificial Insemination & Other Relevant Technologies, held in Dublin, 22 August 2007
(30-Dec-2007) - Two new documents have been made available (PDF file):
-ICAR’s Approval Criteria for Laboratories Testing Conformance and Performance of Transponders and Transceivers as Defined in ISO Standard 24631
-Reasons contracting of test centre should remain with Registration Authority
(15-Dec-2007) - The corrections to the ICAR Recording Guidelines to be approved by the General Assembly in Niagara Falls, are available here
(10-Dec-2007) - New Working Groups have been added (Animal Fibre, Interbeef and Parentage Recording )
(4-Dec-2007) - Preliminary programme for 36th ICAR Session and Meeting
(30-Nov-2007) - List of the laboratories with ICAR accreditation for parenthood recording
(21-Sept-2007) - Acknowledgments by Hans-Gerhard Wagner (Secretary of APHCA) for Workshop animal identification and traceability
(26-July-2007) - The ICAR Newsletter July 2007 contains: A word from the President; ICAR General Assembly 2007; Provision of benefits to ICAR members; News on cornell patent; ICAR recent publications; Badi Besbes is a new member of the ICAR board; Certificate of quality; Special stamp; Awards; ICAR new members; 2007 Technical workshop , Verona, Italy, June 2007; From the ICAR governing and technical bodies; 36th ICAR biennial session (20-7-2007)
- The files presented at Verona Technical Meeting are available (3-June-2007)
- The last version of the ICAR Guidelines, approved by the General Assembly held in Kuopio, Finland in June 2006 is available (24-May-2007).
- The instructions (updated to May 2007) on how to perform the “Periodic checking of approved meters. Hints for the sample taker and farmer” are avaialble (24-May-2007)
- Development of animal identification and recording systems for veterinary surveillance and livestock development in countries of Eastern Europe. Proceedings of the ICAR/FAO Seminar held in Kuopio, Finland, 6 June 2006, ICAR T.S. no.12.
(30-April-2007) - In 2007, ICAR organises a Technical meeting in Verona, in conjunction with the General Assembly.
The meeting will be held from 30 May to 1 June 2007 (1-Apr-2007) - The ICAR Statutes, approved by the General Assembly held in Kuopio Finland on 9 June 2006, are available in English (37 Kb), French (51 Kb) and German (49 Kb) (12-Feb-2007).
- ICAR Newsletter January 2007. It contains a Report from the 35th ICAR biennial session and Interbull meeting; General Assembly, Kuopio, Finland, 7 June 2006 and the President’s report; New ICAR Board; Decisions of the General Assembly; Amendments to the ICAR statutes; ICAR Awards ; News from ICAR Sub-Committees, Task Forces and Working Groups; A survey on milk recording strategies; New activities of ICAR; Next General Assembly (2007); Next Biennial 36th Session (2008).
(30-Jan-2007) - Updatings on Sub-Committee for Recording Devices, by Uffe Lauritsen.
(30-Nov-2006) - The Certificate of Quality is a new service offered by ICAR. The new Certificates will replace the ICAR Special Stamp which will be phased out by July 2009
(29-Oct-2006) - The ICAR Board established the President’s Award and the Distinguished Service Certificate
(29-Oct-2006) - A new site by ICAR: Patenting Sentinel and Action Service – PSAS
(7-Aug-2006) - The up-dated By-Laws approved in Kuopio by the General Assembly are now available only in English
(18-July-2005) - The transaltions into Russian of the FAO-ICAR Seminar (Kuopio, 6 June) are available
(4-July-2006) - The results of “Beef performance recording in 2004 (calves born in 2000)” are available
(22-June-2006) - The amendments to the Recording Guidelines are available for comments/approval by the ICAR Members
(20-June-2006) - The page of the Milk Testing Laboratories Working Group has been updated after the decision taken in Kuopio
- The results of the “Cow milk yearly enquiry” for the years 2003-2004
(20-June-2006) - The PowerPoint files presented at the last 35th ICAR biennial session held in Kuopio, Finland
(20-June-2006) - The Report of the meeting of the WG on Goat Milk held in Sousse (Tunisia) in 2004, is now available
(15-May-2006) - The Animal Identification Sub-Committee has launched the “ICAR performance evaluation and approval procedure for official permanent identification devices (conventional permanent plastic eartags)”
(15-May-2006) - The on-line databases on “The yearly sheep milk survey” is now available
(2-May-2006) - The Conformation Recording Working Group, through David Hewitt, proposed some emendations to the Recording Guidelines, (Section 5: Conformation recording of dairy cattle) that will have to be adopted by the General Assembly in Kuopio (8-March-2006)
- The instructions on how to perform the “Periodic checking of approved and provisionally approved meters. Hints for the sample taker and farmer” are now available (9-Nov-2005)
- “The Business Plan for the Implementation of International Genetic Evaluation Services for Beef Breeds and Traits by Interbull”, prepared by the Interbeef Task Force is now available (9-Nov-2005)
- Ollivier Leray submitted new information on List of analytical methods in milk recording (17-October-2005)
- Physiological and Technical Aspects of Machine Milking, Nitra, Slovak Rep., 26-28 April 2005, ICAR T.S. no. 10 (16-June-2005)
- ICAR Newsletter, May 2005
- The Benckmark service has been launched (18-April-2005)
- In order to facilitate and inform a candidate member for the organisation of a biennial session, two documents were prepared:
– a GUIDELINES and a CHECK LIST document, and
– the AGREEMENT between ICAR and the Local Organising Committee (30-November-2004). - The Report of the Second meeting of ICAR Reference Laboratory Network was submitted by O. Leray (about 1.800 Kb) (20-09-2004).
- The site contains the Countries/Member Organisations granted with the ICAR Special Stamp (23-June-2004).
- The PDF file containing the results of “Survey on recording and validation of bovine artificial insemination data” is now available on this web (6-May-2004).
ICAR Groups
Latest news
Proceedings of the of 47th ICAR Annual Conference held in Bled, Slovenia, have been published
The Annual Conference in 2024 was dedicated to the “Sustainable livestock production systems in a new era”. The Proceedings have been published in the ICAR Technical Series no. 28 M. Klopčič, S. Orlandini and C. Mosconii (Eds); (978-92-95014-24-4)
The Annual Conference in 2024 was dedicated to the "Sustainable livestock production systems in a new era". The Proceedings have been published in the ICAR Technical Series no. 28 M. Klopčič, S. Orlandini and C. Mosconii (Eds); (978-92-95014-24-4)A new platform for collecting data on “Cow, sheep and goats milk recording systems”
Various statistics are available on production, numbers of animals/herds, local species, fertility, type of lactation calculation et al.
Various statistics are available on production, numbers of animals/herds, local species, fertility, type of lactation calculation et al.PPTs and Pictures from Bled 2024
Presentations as PPT and pictures from Bled 2024 Annual Conference are available
Presentations as PPT and pictures from Bled 2024 Annual Conference are availablePT for milk laboratories in 2025
The call is now open, including for the firts time also the fatty acids by the GC method and by the IR method
The call is now open, including for the firts time also the fatty acids by the GC method and by the IR methodFollow us
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